interview with ellie

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[10 march 2020]

interviewer: today we have a very special guest in the studio with us! everyone, please welcome ellie wilson!

ellie: thank you for having me

interviewer: yes yes, of course. so we know you dropped a new song a few days ago, can you tell us more about that and where your music career is headed?

ellie: oh gosh. tears of gold is a very special song to me for many reasons. i started writing it after my breakup last year and just put my feelings into words honestly. i think for me the meaning of the song is no matter how much i cried it was always real and no matter how much it hurt, stay strong like gold hence the title "tears of gold". i'm still not sure where my music career is headed, if you would even call it that. i would like to release more music in the future, i have actually been working on an album that i do hope to release sometime soon but i don't think i would call it a career, maybe just a "hobby".

interviewer: now your breakup last year, that seemed to be quite public with singer/songwriter shawn mendes. how did that affect you?

ellie: it hit me pretty hard when we first broke up, um.. of course breakups are hard as it is but when they're public breakups, they're even harder because everyone's always asking questions and cameras are always flashing and articles are always made and it's just a lot to handle at one time but now that it's been a little over a year, it's become a bit easier i guess. some days it hits me harder than others because of how long we were together and because of the stuff we went through but shawn is happy right now and that's what matters most to me.

interviewer: right of course. if you don't want to answer this question, we completely understand and we won't pressure you too but we do want to ask, how have things been since the loss of your child that you shared with shawn?

ellie: oh goodness. i'm in a place where i can talk about it but please excuse me if i get emotional as it's a sensitive topic to both me and shawn. it's something that no one should ever have to experience but unfortunately it happens everyday and it sucks. i was 18 and shawn was 19 when i fell pregnant and we weren't prepared for a baby at all but we both decided that we would figure things out together and that's what we did. after i miscarried, i was never the same and neither was shawn. i'm still not the same, i can't speak for shawn. it feels like a piece of me is missing and it always will but i hope in the future i can have another chance at being a mother.

interviewer: i'm sure it was hard for both you and shawn. did you guys ever share the name and gender or did you decide to keep that to yourselves?

ellie: at first we had decided to keep it to ourselves but then a few months later we realized that we wanted to share our baby with the world so that's what we did and we were overwhelmed with the love and support we got. it was the best feeling knowing sebastien would have been loved by everyone else just as much as he was by us.

interviewer: so his name was sebastien, correct?

ellie: yes, sebastien cruz.

interviewer: we also noticed that shawn's new girlfriend, claudia, has been receiving a lot of hate lately on her instagram. is there anything you have to say about that?

ellie: claudia is such a sweet girl and i love her and i don't think anyone deserves shawn as much as she does. me and claudia have messaged multiple times and talked about everything and we both agreed that no matter what, we would never hate each other. she makes shawn happy and that's all i could ask for.

interviewer: have you talked to shawn since the breakup?

ellie: i haven't actually. not because there's any hate or anything between us, i just never thought that was important. he's happy right now and i wouldn't want to come between that.

interviewer: we have to ask, have you been in any relationships since the breakup?

ellie: i've been in one that lasted a few months but i called it off for reasons i'd rather not make public.

interviewer: we understand. well, thanks for joining us and we can't wait to hear more music from you! check out "tears of gold" on any music platform and it's out in stores tomorrow! we wish you all the best

ellie: thank you! it was a pleasure!

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