interview with ellie

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[18 april 2020]

interviewer: we have a special guest today! please welcome singer/songwriter ellie wilson, who's visited with us a few times before. how are you? it's been a while

ellie: yes, thank you! i'm good actually. it's nice to be back.

interviewer: i hate to bring it up right away but i must say, it's been thrown around that you and singer/songwriter shawn mendes are back together. would you like to clarify if that is true?

ellie: haha yes, it's true. we've been back together for a few days now and it's been nice. i think that no matter if we're together or not, we'll always have love for each other and always care about each other. we've experienced too much together not to, y'know? i will say, it is nice having him back. i missed him.

interviewer: we love to hear that! we must ask, how did things with your ex neels visser end? a few sources told us it was a pretty nasty breakup.

ellie: i'd rather not speak about it, we both would like to keep things personal.

interviewer: of course, we understand. last time you were here we briefly talked about your music career. do you care to explain how that's been going since we last talked?

ellie: oh my goodness, it's going great! after tears of gold was released, i realized music is what i love doing and i'm happy to be doing it along side my best friend who knows exactly what i'm going through when i struggle with it. shawn is the best.

interviewer: have you been working on anything new?

ellie: i have! i'm working on a few new songs at the moment and i hope to release an album within at least a year.

interviewer: can we look forward to any collaborations with shawn or any other artists?

ellie: maybe! that could very well be a possibility. me and shawn have thrown the idea around to our managers a few times but haven't made anything out of it yet. stay tuned though, you never know what could happen!

interviewer: well thank you for visiting again! we enjoyed it, like always!

ellie: anytime!

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