ellie and shawn's messages

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bubz 💍😽👅🎶
hey baby
you have plans today?

my girl 💛
i was just gonna go out with
the girls but i can cancel if you want me to

bubz 💍😽👅🎶
no no don't do that
i can meet you guys somewhere after
with cam jack and justin and we can all
have dinner if that's ok with you and the girls

my girl 💛
that's fine baby
i miss you :(

bubz 💍😽👅🎶
we just saw each other babe lol

my girl 💛
oh so i'm not allowed to miss my boyfriend

bubz 💍😽👅🎶
that's not what i meant

my girl 💛
no i see. i'll just go and ignore all your texts
and calls

bubz 💍😽👅🎶
lose the attitude and watch
your mouth babygirl.

my girl 💛
you really think i'm gonna listen to you?
you're not gonna do anything about it

bubz 💍😽👅🎶
you wanna bet? come home and you'll find out.
i'll be waiting for you

my girl 💛
on my way. do i just need to plan on not being
able to walk tomorrow?

bubz 💍😽👅🎶
that's the way i work isn't it?
get your ass here NOW.

my girl 💛
3 minutes away
see you soon 🤤😘

bubz 💍😽👅🎶
you're gonna get a mouthful so be ready

my girl 💛

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