groupchat (boys)

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canadian 🍁
ok something happened and i need to tell you guys

cam cam
oh goodness

jack gilinskiiii

canadian #2
what happened bro

canadian 🍁
me and el hooked up

jack gilinskiiii
bro what isn't she with neels

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shawn peter raul mendes you didn't

canadian #2
so she cheated on her boyfriend with her ex

canadian 🍁
yes i did, and yes she's with neels but guys
it was amazing. she was perfect. i missed it and she missed it. we needed it, we wanted it. it was bound to happen sooner or later

jack gilinskiiii
did she tell him

cam cam
he's gonna he PISSED

canadian 🍁
i just want her back

canadian #2
shawn you know we love you but you are the reason why you guys aren't together

canadian 🍁
i know i fucked up and i thought what happened would fix it but it didn't

cam cam
so you thought getting her into bed would fix the fact you cheated on her?

jack gilinskiiii
cam's right shawn..

canadian 🍁
no no that's not what i meant idk i just thought she'd realize how much she truly did miss it and that she'd consider breaking up with neels and getting back with me. i miss her and it physically hurts to live without her

canadian #2
i'm sorry shawn but we can't fix this one. you have too

canadian 🍁

fallin all in youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang