ellie and jo's messages

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bad bitch jo 🤩💙
did you talk to him??

ellie ry 💛🥰

bad bitch jo 🤩💙
and? how'd it go?

ellie ry 💛🥰
fine until he started being a dick

bad bitch jo 🤩💙

ellie ry 💛🥰
i asked how him and claudia were and he said
not great and then i said "oh y'all seem happy"
and he said "so did we but you see how that
turned out"

bad bitch jo 🤩💙
damn that was a dick move

ellie ry 💛🥰
yep. i love him jo.

bad bitch jo 🤩💙
i know babe. i know. and i'm so so sorry
you have to go through this but it's been a year el

ellie ry 💛🥰
i know jo but he wasn't just my boyfriend
he's the father of my baby. we talked about
getting married for gods sake and then boom
he causes our relationship to fall apart

bad bitch jo 🤩💙
you'll never recover will you?

ellie ry 💛🥰
no. he's the love of my life. no matter what

bad bitch jo 🤩💙
i hope the pieces fall back together
in the future el. you deserve happiness

ellie ry 💛🥰
thank you, i love you
i'll text you tmrw i'm going to bed

bad bitch jo 🤩💙
love you bebe. sleep well <3

ellie ry 💛🥰

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