I rolled my eyes. Not to be mean but he can shove all his awkward sayings up his mouth. He was trying to hard and I felt he wasn't compatible with me.

He was nowhere near my level.

"Just give him a chance."

I scoffed just as we turned the corner and to our surprise Carter was walking away from a female with a glare on his face. He stopped in front of us. He looked pissed and the woman behind him stepped forward.

"You must be, Tiana. I'm Riena." The woman smiled and held out her hand.


My mind came together. She was in that photo. Me and my love.

I went to shake hands with her out of kindness. I did not want to be rude because I did not know her.

Carter grabbed my arm before I could shake hands with her. He turned me around and grabbed Camille who I noticed glared at her.

"I guess I'll see you later." Riena said with an evil smirk.

I went to reply but Carter spoke up angrily. "Don't say shît to that, bîtch." He snapped.

I frowned at his choice of words before looking back once more to see her still smirking at us. Carter motioned towards a section and I saw Rick and Brian walk over to us immediately. He gestured to Brian.

"Boss?" Brian questioned.

"Take them back to the safe house." Carter demanded. It was still evident that he was pissed.

Carter stayed behind with Rick. I overheard him say business.

Brian without hesitation lead us out the club to the car that Rick drove Camille in. We sat in the back and everyone seemed tense.

"Can I ask what's going on?" I asked.

"Everything is being taken care of, Queen." Brian answered.

"That stupid, bîtch. Why was she there, Brian?" Camille asked angrily.

"I don't know, Miss."

Camille went into a full out mumbling mode. She was pissed just like Carter was. I was confused now. I assumed the girl was Carter's ex but it feels like there's more behind the story. Everyone was aware and furious with her sudden presence.

Deciding not to speak on anything, I turned and looked out the window.

So much for a good night.

Hours passed and I was in a purple tank with matching shorts. I had yet to wrap up my hair and I was in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. Camille went to bed, too pissed to continue girls night and Carter has yet to return back to the safe house.

I was wondering. Wondering on what he was doing.

Then suddenly the door opened and slammed shut to my luck.

After a minute past, he entered the kitchen and slammed his car keys on the counter top. His face was still scrunched in anger and his hair was slightly a mess.

I turned my head to look at the clock and it was one in the morning. "Is....is everything okay?"

I looked at him with caution and he looked up to lock eyes with me. They're dark. He was still angry. It was evident in his eyes and facial expression.

"No. We're leaving in the morning."

I went to protest but he spoke again. "Don't argue with me, baby. I'm already pissed off." He said while going to the fridge.

I watched his every step. He opened the fridge and grabbed a beer can.

"What is going on, Carter? Is it Xenon?" I asked.

He was busy opening the beer can. Once opened he took a long large gulp of the liquid. He placed it on the counter before walking over to me.

He grabbed the glass out my hand and placed it aside and grabbing hold of me. He cupped my face and placed a kiss on my forehead, both sides of my cheek, my nose, and a kiss on my lips.

He placed his forehead on mine and inhaled a large breath. It was something on his mind. Something that was making him act like this. I was in the dark and I couldn't do anything until I knew what was happening.


He exhaled the breath he was holding. His eyes are closed. "I hate how we met. It was and still is my fault for bringing you to live like this." He paused and pulled away from my forehead to look into my eyes.

"The shît I'm doing had nothing to do with you, babe. What's happening between Xenon and I is between us. Not you. I've been thinking for a while about this decision and I hate that I'm making it because even if you didn't believe me, I care so much about you and your happiness." He sighted. "I'm sending you back to Washington in the morning."

I pulled my face from his hands. "A-Are you letting me go, Carter?"

Can I say I was shocked to hear Carter say what he said. I didn't expect it at all. He took me by surprise.

"Yes. Take anything you want. Don't worry about getting your dorm room back. I took care of everything. You might be a little behind but knowing you, your a fast learner." He game me a small smile.

"I don't understand why your doing this." I said, never taking my eyes off him.

"To keep you safe." He said to me with a unfamiliar tone and it left me wondering.

I opened my mouth but closed it again. Safe from what? I wondered.

"I don't know if I should thank you or...."

"No need, babe."

A smile bloomed across my face before I went to hug him. My arms wrapped around his waist. He hesitated but he wrapped his arms over me. He hugged me tighter while running his fingers through my hair. He leaned down and kissed my head and pulled back.

"Get some rest. We wake up in the morning." He told me before grabbing his beer and walking out the kitchen.

I should be happy but I feel upset of the thought of leaving everything I been through with that man to live a normal life.

The decision is to stay or....leave and never look back.


Thoughts on Tiana?

Thoughts on Carter?

Thoughts on Camille?

Thoughts on Riena?

What decision will Tiana make?


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