He shrugged.

"Does it matter?"

I nodded slightly.

"Well yeah, I was always told to wait till my wedding night."

"Are you actually going to do that?" He scoffed slightly.

I nodded slightly and looked away. Ace sighed.

"Even though I'm offering myself to you? Get it out of your system before you're set to live a life with a man that probably won't even love you and was set up by your precious mummy and daddy?!"

I pushed him off me slightly and we both sat up and faced each other.

"Well having sex with you would be no different!" I snapped back.

He glared.

"And how's that then?!" He said, snapping back.

"Because just like my future husband you won't love me either!"

Ace's jaw tightened. I watched as his fists clenched and unclenched. The horrid silence filled the car like a killer gas as he got out the car, slamming the door behind him. He climbed in the front and brought his hand back to me.

"Keys." He demanded.

I leant forward and fumbled about before finding them. I placed them in his hand and he quickly started up the car. I leant back and held onto the seat as he quickly sped off.

The silence killed us both. I could feel it. I looked out the window and watched as the scenery slowly began to change. We started driving through the streets I'd grown up in. Walking along with my mother and father, hand in hand, not knowing what the future held. Not knowing I'd meet such a man as Ace Merrill.

I turned and looked at his rear mirror, just in time to see him quickly look back at the road. He had been looking at me. I sighed as I saw my house appear in sight. He slammed on the breaks and sat firm, staring straight ahead.

"Back where you belong." He said in his monotone voice.

"Ace.." I whispered.

"Don't." He started. "I get it. Guys like me aren't capable of love and will only sleep with girls like you for bragging rights. Enjoy your life View girl."

View girl.

I was View Princess.

Not View girl.

"Goodbye Ace Merrill." I said quietly as I opened the door and climbed out. Before I shut it I leant back down. "Or should I say John."

And with that I stepped back and shut the door. Within seconds the car had started up and he was gone. I sighed as I slowly walked up to my front door. I went straight in and was instantly met with my parents bombarding me with questions. Where had I been? What had I been doing? Why was I so late?

I blocked them all out as I walked straight upstairs to my room. I flopped down on my bed and looked up to see them both standing over me, still firing questions.

Deep breath Rochelle.

"Okay!" I said standing up and holding my hands up.

My parents were slightly taken back as I continued.

"I'll play this your way. Find me a man you want me to marry and I'll lead the life you want me to have."

A smile appeared on their faces as they nodded and turned and headed out of my room. I sighed and walked over shutting the door before going straight to my bed and flopping face down, letting myself sink into the duvet.


Okay guys so I'm back!

I know I said that before but my god. Life's been crazy.

Yet here is the one place I can actually escape. Don't know why I didn't think of coming back properly sooner.

But I've basically been diagnosed with depression, I've had a hard few months, being signed off work, seeing a therapist, taking those 'happy little pills' yet it's not helped.

So last night I watched Stand By Me again and it all came back. The dream of being in Castle Rock. The Cobras. Everything. So even if no-one is interested in this story anymore, for my own sake. Ace Merrill is my hero. ♥️

She's the girl all the bad guys want - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now