「25」 「overdrink」

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His face turned pale all of a sudden.

He looked so nervous.

"Daniel, I haven't even got fully recovered and you're going to give me new pain?!" I whisper-exclaimed, not wanting to get heard from the boys.

Daniel doesn't say a syllable.

"That's so immature of you Daniel! And with my sister? Oh wow" I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"From all the times I said I miss Savannah, you never told her that. Instead you sent her good evening and I love you texts." I added with a shaky voice.
"How can you cheat infront of my face?" I asked in whisper.

I put my hand infront of his face, causing him to stop talking.

"Nope, I- I actually don't want to see your face right now. I'm going to leave" I said, trying to stand up despite my bruised body.

I slowly made my way outside as I heard quiet sobs behind me.

I wanted to hug him so bad, but it was better to show him my angry side.

"Sav, what's wrong?" Corbyn asked, helping me step down the last two staircases.
"Hm?" I asked, before realizing I had a tear rolling down to my cheek.
"It's Daniel." I replied softly.

Corbyn was about to say something, but I cut him off.

"Do you have new alcohol?" I asked Derek, unsure.
"Some on the fridge, go grab some" he replied, not looking up from his computer.
"Okay, thanks" I replied.

I opened the fridge and there were two blue dragon-mixed alcohols, one rootbeer and three Fantas.

Seeing Blue Dragon was only the best option, I took it two of them from the fridge and grabbed a glass.

The glass was then filled with the alcohol and I drank the whole glass.

"Woah, relax Savannah" Jonah chuckled.
"Cheers dude" I brought up the glass and nodded once.

Jonah chuckles whilst shaking his head.

"Want something to smoke?" Jack suggested.
"Yes please" I rapidly nod my head and he dryly laughed.

Jack handed me a new juul and vaped forthwith.

"You've got a problem?" Corbyn asked, joining me on the chair.
"Definitely" I replied drunkly and finished the bottle.

I was about to get the other bottle then gave Jack back his juul as I was not feeling it.

"I see" he said, taking the bottle away from me.
"No give me more" I whined.
"No, i'm not letting you have another frickin' bottle. Daniel would kill me" he chuckled.
"Not if I kill him first" I rolled my eyes.
"What?" Corbyn asked, confused.
"He's cheating on me, Corbyn! Did you know that?!" I exclaimed, getting all of their attention.
"I do" he said.

I coughed at what he said, stopping me from drinking.

"What do you mean by you do?" I nervously asked him.
"I caught him once talking with Savannah on the phone" he replied in whisper.

I felt a pain in my chest.

"He's cheating on me, with my own sister" I said, now crying.
"I'm sorry I haven't told you, I was waiting for the perfect timing" he sighed.
"And when's that?" I snapped.

He kept silent.

"Would you just let me drink another bottle? Please?" I asked.
"I will let you anyway" he dryly chuckled and handed me a bottle of Blue Dragon.

I drank the liqueur half way and coughed.

"Cigarette. I need cigarette right now" I ordered.

Corbyn got something from the kitchen drawers on the bottom which I assumed was cigarette.

He gave one that was already lit up by the lighter and placed one on the table.

"Thanks" I said and smoked forthwith.
"Do you want me to talk to Daniel?" he asked.
"No, let him cry upstairs. I don't want to see him tonight" I replied.
"Next time, tell me what you know immediately alright?" I asked.
"Yeah but um I have something to confess" he said, unsure.
"Go on" I replied, clearly not caring as I was already intoxicated.
"S- Savannah and I have connection as well" he blurted out.

I swallowed the remaining alcohol inside the bottle and huffed.

"Now that," I closed the lid of the bottle. "Is just amazing." I replied.
"Does anybody— HEY JACK DO YOU HAVE CONNCECTION WITH SAVANNAH TOO?!" I yelled, but got shushed immediately by Corbyn.
"What? It's annoying me" I scoffed.

Jack then came downstairs.

"Nah, but Corbyn and Daniel does" he yelled, then widen his eyes as if he regret replying to me.
"Chill, I already know. Thanks for confirming though" I said.
"Do you want me to ask Zach or—" I cut Jack off.
"Nope" I shook my head lazily.
"Okay, well don't overdrink" he said and went outside again.
"No way" I replied with sarcasm.

Corbyn and Jack laughed.

"I'll sleep on my room tonight" I sighed and tried to walk towards the stairs, but tripped.

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