「5」 「blue dragon」

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"So this is your- well Savannah's room" Daniel opened the door after he toured me around the whole house. He then switched on the lights.

The light revealed a blush-pink colored walls with a white master bed. There were also another door which i'm guessing that leads to Sav's closet.

"Uhh do you want me to tour you?" Daniel chuckled.
"Umm," I giggle, knowing the room was not big that I can tour myself around.
"Sure I guess" I shrug.
"That is her bed, obviously" he pointed at Savannah's made bed.
"Then that's just some teddy bears we gave her for her birthday—" I cut him off.
"Oh that's why every mid night after we celebrate her birthday, she sneaks out of the house" I playfully rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"Okay.." he giggled.
"So that's her closet that I will show you in a moment- oh this is her drawer, it's full of stuff that you don't might wanna see" he chuckled nervously and so did I.

He opened the door on Savannah's closet and switched the lights on.

"She never told me she had these boots" I rub the boot's fur, admiring its texture.
"She didn't?" Daniel asked.
"Yup, depressing, isn't?" I giggle loudly and opened a cabinet.

The cabinet showed a bunch of old-looking yet still pretty outfits.

"Oh.. my.. gosh.." I gasped in whisper, cupping my mouth in shock.
"This is so sick" I whisper, looking over to Daniel whose behind me, giggling.
"I love your accent so much" he blurted out and I feel my face heat up.

I looked back on the outfits, now with wide eyes, shocked by his words.

"Aw thanks. You tell that to Savannah too you know, because we kinda sound the same" I joked.
"You have your differences, and I think the boys kind of notice that too" he replied and I nod.
"So uh let's go?" he asked.
"Uh yeah" I replied and we made our way outside the closet.

"You good? You comfortable with your clothes?" he asked, concerned.
"Um yeah I- i'm good, yeah, thanks." I looked down to my fuzzy pajamas the boys had bought me.

Daniel left with a smile, leaving me alone in the room. Bitter liquids dripped down to my cheeks as soon as I remember I'm not in my house, nor with my sister.

I shut the door and heared it click, locked. Sobbing, I fix the bed and pat the place where I was going to sleep on. I stood up from the bed and I get one of Sav's stuffed animals.

I pulled the toy to my chest and closed my eyes as tears streak to my cheeks.


"Please, Jack!" I beg him on the phone.
"I can't really lie to Daniel. We're supporting your sister who you decided to ignore" Jack snapped.
"I'm sorry, I- I just- Is Daniel there?" I asked.
"Uhh yeah he's heading upstairs—"

I heard Jack yell at Daniel and gave the phone to him.

"What do you want, Savannah" he said, not in a question tone.
"I'm sorry, I was just- yes, I was jealous. But now I get it, okay? Our mom is really worried and I'm worried for her as well. She haven't stopped asking everyone wheter they saw Samantha or not. I'm going to continue our condition, four am—" Daniel cut me off.
"Derek's here, I will unblock you from imessage."

Before a single syllable slipped off my mouth, they had already ended the call, making me sigh in stress.

"JC! How's Grandma doing?" I asked another one of our cousin as I stepped downstairs.
"Still asleep, fortunately. All she needs is Sam, Sam, and Sam. Nothing else" JC replied.
"Where the heck could she possibly be at right now? Do you think she's safe?" Jamie, her twin sister asked.
"I know she is." I replied.

「samantha ; 2:49 am」

"Shut up!" Derek's bold, loud, and stren voice woke me up from downstairs.

Now it's impossible for me to sleep.

"Anyway, Sam- I mean Sav is still asleep so while she is, let's plan the transactions so we can sell them earlier" Zach's voice added.
"Make sure Sav will do a smaller portion of this month's transaction, I don't want her to be in this thing much" Daniel debated, making me smile and interested at the conversation.
"Remove Savannah here for a second. Anyway, these are new and they're called Blue Dragon" Derek then say.

Blue Dragon?

"How much will we earn from this?"

"About four point six million to point seven million."

My eyes widen.

No. These are not what I think they mean.

"That's great news, we'll earn higher" Jonah said.
"How hard is the impact though?" Corbyn asked.
"When used in cigars, about three to four percent, when in alcohols it's going to be seventy percent if we add three capsules" Derek replied.

I was now hiding on the stairs, seeing things I can't believe I was seeing.

"These are new. But we need to try them first for reassurance for our dealers" an unfamiliar blonde guy said.

Two more unfamiliar faces stood with them, and I started to feel really uncomfortable being the only lady in this house.

"Aight, let's try it out" Jack announced.

They started to open packets and started to do more stuff.

Terrified, I went to Savannah's room soundlessly.

Laughing errupt, and they grew louder and louder.

I locked the door once again and started to breathe uneasily. I enhaled and exhaled in a quick pace, shaking my hands as well.

"Woah, this? This is dope, boss Derek"  another unfamiliar voice yelled from downstairs.
"This works good!"

All of them laughed.

My heartbeat quicken as well as my breathening. Tears fell to my cheeks once again.


"SAMANTHA!" I yell, waking up from my own sleep.

I catch my breath, as if I was being drowned or dying.

This happens whenever Samantha and I are apar- Samantha!

There could be something wrong, she's maybe in danger, she's maybe suffering right now. What is going on?!

I breath slowly, comforting myself. I shook my hands rapidly and massaged my face to wake myself up fully.

「samantha ; savannah」

"Calm down. She feels you"

a/n: hey guys so Elisha and Renee is the same age as the boys here so mind that!

Stolen | d.sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon