「14」 「new member」

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Daniel went to the bathroom and I chuckled, going back downstairs.

He reminded me that he placed the donuts on the fridge so that's what I did.

"Hey guys let's eat" I smiled fakely.

My face felt unmoveable.

"Lemme have some" Zach broke the silence.
"Here" I brought the box closer.

Corbyn was just looking at me while the boys were just acting normal.

"What?" I asked Corbyn as I eat.
"Sam, how was it?" Corbyn whispered.

My eyes widen but I kept on acting normal.

"How was what?" I asked, nervousness was all over my face.
"The one—"
"We should buy more matcha donuts actually" Zach cut Corbyn off.
"I love those mocha ones better" Jonah added.
"Those original ones never die! Then you decide what you put on it!" Jack said.
"Yeah yeah" I chirped in.
"Then you'll add glaze" Jonah pointed at me.
"Omg I love that" I gasped.
"Or those cheesy ones" Zach said.
"Yeah the one that you turn into a breakfast" Jack replied.
"Wait have you guys tried waffles with bacon and eggs?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Nope" Jack shook his head.
"No" Zach slowly replied.
"I've tried waffles but not with bacon and eggs" Jonah added.
"You know, if we get a chance to go out next time we should totally eat breakfast outdoors. That'd be fun!" I clapped twice.
"I'm down, when?" Zach joked, making us laugh.
"Where's Daniel?" Jack asked.

I gulped.

"I don't know, maybe upstairs?" I shrugged innocently.
"Okay.." Jack trailed.
"You guys finish this" I changed the topic and handed them the box.
"I'm full. Hey did you know that we had sodas a while ago?" Jack bragged.
"Not into sodas but whatever" I replied confidently.
"Okay okay" he put his arms up in defense.
"Where's Daniel?" I mumbled, looking upstairs.
"How was the thing you and Daniel did huh?" Corbyn whispered.

My eyes widen and I playfully smacked him, making him laugh.

"Corbyn!" I yelled.
"Whaaat?! I was just asking" he wiggled his eyebrows  and I playfully rolled my eyes.
"What ever" I crossed my arms and he got the last donut, emptying the box.

Daniel stepped downstairs and he was only in shorts. No top.

"Oh wow you guys didn't even left some for me? Wow i'm- wow" he shook his head and had an offended face.

We all laughed and he sat down beside me, making Corbyn move aside.

"When's Derek coming home after he almost broke my nose?" Daniel joked which made us all laugh.
"He left for a new victim." Jonah blurted out.
"Excuse me what?" I asked.
"I don't know- i'm not sure but I heard him go to the tunnel. He won't go there except there's someone inside" Jonah replied.
"There is no way" Zach said.
"We couldn't let him get another innocent person!" I debated.
"I know, I know. But I think he'll only listen to you, Sam" Corbyn said.
"Right. So then what will we do if he'd actually continue on kidnapping people?" I asked.
"I don't know." Jack replied.
"We can't just sit here!" I exclaimed.
"Why does he even need to get another one?" Zach added.
"Like am I not enough here?" I asked, pissed.
"I don't even know why does he need to get another girl" Corbyn shook his head.
"What is he gonna use her for?" I asked.
"We'll find out eventually" Jack said.

After a few talking we heard footsteps approached.

"Guys, guys sh. I think it's Derek." I shushed them.

Derek then came to us with a grin on his face.

"We have a new member." he smiled innocently.

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