「17」 「miss」

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"I slept really good" Brooklyn yawned as she stepped downstairs.
"Good" I nodded then continued putting plates on the table.

No one asked how you slept.

"It's really funny how- oh wait, nevermind" Jack started but stopped himself, making us slightly laugh.
"So the month is almost over and we need to have a new plan" Derek blurted out.
"What are the plans?" Brooklyn leaned on the chair and took a small bite from the apple.
"Well, we're done with schools so maybe in works or clubs?" Daniel suggested.
"Yeah, I think I agree on that" Jonah nodded.
"Okay cool, we got ourselves a plan. Since you're new Brooklyn, uhh, Corbyn you can help her out" Derek said.
"Um, w- what do we need to do? What do I do?" she asked fastly.
"That's why I partnered you with Corbyn right? So you can learn?" Derek snapped.

Brooklyn had her face shocked by Derek's words.

"O- okay then. Yeah" she stuttered.
"Eat your breakfast, then Corbyn and you two girls will be coming with me so we can make some" Derek ordered and we nodded.

He played with his keys before going out of the station and we heard the car leave.

"Is he really like that?" she asked.
"Oh Brooke he is worse than that. He's just warming up on ya" I replied, slightly scaring her.
"Uh-uh, that's not good. Will I die?" she then asked.
"Maybe, maybe not" I replied mysteriously and put my finished plate on the dishwasher.

Daniel hugged me from behind and rested his arms on my shoulders, nipping my cheeks.

"Hey stop" I chuckled, getting tickled by his actions.
"Nope" he mumbled.

I continued to laugh hysterically as the boys and Brooklyn watch us, giggling.

"Too close" Brooklyn rolled her eyes then laughed.
"Anyway, I need to take a shower" she added then the boys nodded.

Brooklyn made her way upstairs and we heard a few doors opened and closed.

"I'll shower next" I sighed, Daniel finally letting go.
"You guy's are too cute. I hate it a lot" Zach laughed.
"You're just single" Daniel replied, Zach shaking his head.
"I kind of feel bad for Brooke. But she likes being here with dudes she barely know that has drugs" I said.
"You're on the same page then" Corbyn smirked.
"Oh yeah" Jack laughed, making all of us do the same.
"My sister- whatever" I gave up on explaining.
"You know, we should definitely go out soon. Like further from the mall, or something" I said.
"We can't. We actually haven't explored the town itself yet" Jonah replied.

My mouth forms an 'o'.

"Oh," I frowned. "That's sad." I said.
"Hmm what do you think is happening on your school now?" Jack asked, flipping his phone.
"Nothing really. I'm not the famous girl type at school. Savannah was the only best friend I considered." I replied, looking down.
"Was? As in like the past?" Daniel rubs my thigh.
"Yea. She never talked to me since the day I got here and I hate it a lot. But I know why" I put my hand on top of Daniel's.
"Why?" Daniel asked, frowning cutely.
"I was the reason of Grandma Noella's death, right?" I replied.
"Aw baby you're not" Daniel hugged me sideways.
"I am. But- agh can we stop talking about my sister? She's literally the worst topic we can talk about" I rolled my eyes and they all chuckle.
"You started the topic though" Corbyn chuckled.

We laughed.

"I- I did" I replied.
"Funny. Alright so how about we ask Derek for a trip outdoors? We look completely fine, we don't look like a user or a druggie" I said.
"Agreed. With your precious looking face? Well they will never know" Daniel said.
"Aw" I blush at his words.
"Who's next?!" Brooke yelled from upstairs.
"Oh me. I gotta shower" I stood up and went upstairs to our room and got my towel.

Brooklyn started to go downstairs as I made my way to the bathroom.

"That's a lot of toothbrushes there. There's also eight individual soap bars and shampoos" Brooke yelled.
"Hey your grammar is wrong it should be teethbrush" Zach yelled and I heard them all laugh.

An hour passed by, Derek arrived and was ready to fetch us.

"Okay so you two? Are you guys ready?" Derek asked.
"Yeah" Brooke shrugged.
"Uh-huh" Corbyn replied.
"Good. Go in i'm just gonna call someone and we'd go" Derek said to which we all nodded at.


"What's taking them so long?" Zach asked, as he vaped.
"I don't know honestly. It's Brooklyn and Samantha's first time there so i'm pretty scared" I replied.
"Corbyn's there, he got the two" Jonah reassured me and I sighed.

I get a cigarette from the box and lit it.

"I need some" Jonah got the box from me.
"Thanks bro" he gave it back then put the cigar in his mouth.
"It's the first time she's away without me, I just feel nervous" I said.
"There's more food at the fridge" Jack nodded and we nodded.

After two minutes, the sound of the car approached.

"Daniel!" Samantha waved from the garage.
"Thank gosh you're here" I picked her up and spun her around.
"Put me down!" she said childishly.
"Okay okay" I obeyed her, chuckling.

Brooklyn came out of the car next and smiled at me.
Corbyn and Derek then followed us inside the station.

"So what did you guys do?" I asked, giving my self a glass of water.
"Brooklyn and I saw the drug factory and I can say it's not that bad" she shrugged.
"Cool. What did Corbyn do?" I asked as I sat at the couch with her.
"He and Brooklyn were flirting the whole dang time. I felt like a third wheel" she whispered.
"Oh really?" I giggled in whisper.
"Uh-huh" she nodded.


"It's been two months, Savannah" mom cried.
"Two months and we have no sign of her" she added.
"I know mom, I think I called every single police station" I replied.
"Don't you miss your sister?" she asked.
"I do. I miss her a lot" I sighed.
"I miss when we go to school together. I miss when we argue at times. I miss hearing her ugly jokes but I still laugh on them" a smile crept on my face.
"I won't give up on finding her, Sav. I know she's out there somewhere, alive" she said.
"I won't too mom" I smiled.

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