「15」 「vibes」

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"O- oh. Who is it?" I asked.
"She's a girl as well. Her name is Brooklyn." he got himself water.
"Wh- why did you got her exactly?" I asked.
"She was smoking with guys and I sold drugs to them and.. well she bought some. I asked them to go with us but she was the only one who agreed." he simply replied.

I literally wanna kill him right now—

"Hey." A voice said.
"Woah wait up, I said wait for me there," Derek sighed and the girl shrugged. "Anyway does your head hurt?" he asked.
"Oh a lot" she chuckled in a sarcastic way.

I feel really bad vibes with her. Derek and her definitely goes along well.

"Hey Brooklyn" the boys and I greeted in-sync.
"Oh hey." she slovenly replied.
"Hey Jack give her advil" Derek ordered and Jack stood up.

He then got an advil from the cabinet and handed it nicely to Brooklyn with a glass of water.

"You guys really have nice service here. Thanks curly" she nodded and took the advil.

A smile formed on my lips and I fold them into a thin line, remembering that was the nickname I gave Jack before.

Jack just rolls his eyes.

"Y'all dope. So what'r your names?" she asked and put the glass on the table.
"I'm Jonah"
"I'm Daniel"
"I'm Corbyn"
"I'm Jack"
"I'm Zach"
"And i'm Sam- Savannah." I ended.

She slowly nodded and pointed at us.

"Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Jack and..?" she pointed at Zach.
"Zach." he said.
"Yeah yeah then Savannah. Nice to meet y'all" she smiled.
"Nice to meet you too" I awkwardly replied, looking down.
"So you will be sharing a room with Savannah" Derek smiled at her.
"Wait- oh so i'm gonna sleep here?" she asked in a sarcastic tone.
"Yes." Derek sat down.
"Then i'll go home tomorrow?" she then asked, now a little bit nervous.
"Oh no. You'd be here forever, Brooke. You agreed so there's no turning back. If your concerned about your family then, sorry. There's no way out" he smirked.
"Oh. That's fun, I don't care anyways. Life's boring" she huffed.

Wow I did not expect that at all.

"Cool. We'd be buying you clothes and other stuffs you need so you don't need to worry about them" Derek added.

There was peace for a moment.

"So, Brooke. Tell us about your self" Jonah broke the silence.
"I'm nineteen, uhm, I use drugs since like sixteen or something" she shrugged.
"Okay then, so where do you study?" Corbyn asked.
"I actually don't study. I just go to school and pretend like i'm studying" she replied, making us giggle.

That was a fake giggle, by the way.

"Ooo let's get to know each other!" Brooke suggested.
"Nothing much about us actually. Do you know what date is today?" Corbyn said.
"I- I don't know and I don't care" she replied and we laugh.
"You guys click with each other quickly huh? That's nice" Derek said.
"Oh. Derek, should we go to the mall now and but her clothes?" I asked, pretending to care.
"Yeah. You should go to the garage Jonah and start the car" Derek ordered.
"Yes sir" Jonah replied and made his way to the garage.
"We'll just um, get ready but we'll be back" Jack said.
"Ok?" Brooke replied, as if she didn't care.

We all jogged upstairs and went to our rooms.

"O..kay. That was tragic" I put my hands in surrender.
"I gotta admit she looks cute but she gives me bad vibes" he replied.
"Same, Dani. I don't want to be near her like an inch or something" I huffed.
"We gotta stick with her ya know, wheter we like it or not" he sighed as he fixed his cap.

He wore a white longsleeve and wore a black Metallica shirt over it.

I helped him to fix his cap and pecked his lips.

Daniel and I made our way downstairs and all of us went inside the car, excluding Derek because some people were coming over at the station.

"Okay so where do we go?" she moved her head, waiting for an answer.
"To the mall, just buying you stuff and we'd eat there as well" I replied.
"Dope. Alright" she nodded and put back her sight into the window.


"What do you feel around her, Sam?" he asked as we walked around the shop.
"Disgust, evil, and demonic feelings" I replied, making him chuckle.
"Harsh" he replied in a sarcastic tone.
"Well i'd be lying if I say I feel really sweet and really great vibes around her" I replied sassily.

It was true.

"Not gonna lie I feel the exact same. There's something about her that just- just make me feel uneasy" he added.
"Want to get something?" he smirked.
"I have money clothes Daniel" I reminded him.
"But you haven't ate matcha ice cream in a whilee" he tuned.
"Oh my gosh I- okay, let's go" I snapped thrice and I heard him chuckle.

"I see you both get the same ice creams every Saturday" the guy chuckled as he put matcha shavings on the ice creams.
"It's- Saturday?" I asked as he handed both to us.
"Yes.. have you checked the dates?" he dryly giggled.
"We're actually busy so maybe we don't pay attention to the dates anymore" Daniel saved and I nodded.
"Maybe. Alright thank you!" Daniel paid him and we went back to the shop.

"Hey guys! Are you guys done yet?" I asked Corbyn.
"Yep they are, almost" he nodded.
"Can I have some?" he took a large bite of my ice cream without hesitation.
"Oh wow. What if I said no?" I joked and he chuckled.
"You wouldn't" he laughed.
"Whatever. Who is Brooklyn with?" I asked.
"Jack, Zach and Jonah. I didn't want to go honestly. I feel weird around her." he replied.
"I think we all feel the same, don't we?" I said.
"Probably. Derek is surely happy about this" Corbyn rolled his eyes.
"That's for sure" Daniel nodded.
"Anyway I think we should check on them" I said.
"Okay" Daniel nodded and finished his ice cream.
"Hey guys?" Corbyn stopped walking.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"If you both are getting some, at least buy some for me" he chuckled and Daniel and I laughed.


"Look who's home!" Brooklyn yelled as we enter the station.
"Hey bud we don't yell  here" I whispered nicely.
"Oh, sorry" she whispered and giggled.
"Okay so what did you guys buy?" Derek asked and smoke came out of his nose.
"Um just clothes and shoes for me as well as hairbrushes, toothbrush and shampoo" she nodded.
"Where did you guys eat?" he added.
"Ate at Denny's. T'was fun" she shrugged.
"Dope. Alright, unpack your new stuff and put it in Savannah's room" Derek ordered.
"Wait a second um Brooke, do you want to solo the room or you wouldn't mind if we share the bed?" I asked.
"It's okay whatever you like. I'd rather be alone though" she replied.
"Okay, i'd get my stuff and put in at Daniel's room so you can solo the room" I forced myself to smile.
"Really? Omg thank you!" she clapped.

That sounded real.

"You're welcome" I slightly laughed.
"Well then, I have a better life here rather than home." she said.
"I needed to share rooms with three of my younger siblings" he added.
"Congrats, you'd be alone now" Corbyn said.
"Yeah." she giggled, nodding.

a/n: why am I updating it's not Saturda-
also Brooklyn is potrayed by Cindy Kimberly :))

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