♢Chapter14: Hons Revenge

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It hasn't even been a month since Daisy and Kaden left them. And Ellie was already getting on everyones nerve. Zach groaned and tapped the table with his pencil.

"Will you stop tapping the table?" Ellie ask. "It's irritating."

"I'll tap the table all I want," Zach growled. She just glared and left.

"Zeesh Kaden, what's up with you?" Jace asked. He didn't say anything and just stared out the window.

"Leave him along his just worry about Daisy and Kaden," Jenny said. "He hasn't received a text nor a call from them for a while. I keep telling him, that they are busy. But Zach thinks something must've had happened them."

"If that were the case, our parents would've had gone to check on them," Jace said. 

"You know Zach, he tends to worry too much," Jenny said. "I am sure that Kaden and Daisy are alright. And Sebastian too."

Before the bell even rang. He stood and went to class. He wanted a few minutes alone. But he didn't even get that. Ellie enters the room. It wasn't her class.

"Zach," she walked over and sat on his desk.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Just to talk," she smiled. "You know I like you, Zach, like a lot." Here it goes again. First, it was Kaden; now it's him. She placed her hands on his.

"Well I don't," he pushed her hands away. She smiled and sat on his lap. She was crossing the line.

"Oh come on," she leaned closer. She was persistent. She leans closer close enough to kiss. Zach stood and got her off and gripped her wrists.

"Don't think I will let you do as you please," Zach said. "This is cheating on Jace. If you so much as hurt him, I will kill you. Now get out." She ran out. She will probably tell Jace that he threatens her, but Zach doesn't care.

And for the rest of the day, Zach avoided her. After school he went straight home, the others would meet him at his house.

When Zach arrived home, he could smell the freshly made bread. "Zach, welcome home," his mother greeted him.

"Mom," he carefully hugged her. He didn't want to hurt her stomach. For her being one month, her belly was a bit bigger. His father thinks it will be two babies. But they will have to wait until they do an ultrasound.

"Where are the others?" She asked as he helped her set the table.

"They are coming, I just went ahead of them," he smiled. He never tells his mother his problems, not anymore. He doesn't want to stress her out.

"Oh," she set the spoon down and held her belly.

"What's wrong?" He panicked. "Are you in pain or something want me to get dad?"

"I'm fine," she giggled. "The baby just kicked see," she grabbed his hands and placed it on her swollen belly. At first, he didn't feel anything. Then he felt a small push.

"Is it even possible?" He asked. "For you to feel them moving on this early stage?"

"You have to remember," she smiled. "I didn't know I was already five months pregnant. And on to six in February."

"Five?" He didn't know that.

"Oh, I guess we forgot to tell you," she said. "But not you know."

"Are you going to do an ultrasound?" Zach asked.

"No," Rosy smiled. "I want it to be surprised."

"But what if you are having twins?" He said.

"Than it's the double surprised," she said. "Now help me frost the cinnamon buns."

♢Afraid To Love A Wolf♢(Book#2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang