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Friday 9:43 pm

I haven't seen Margot since the whole jersey thing earlier today. She didn't show at the game, and now she hasn't shown at the party. I just really hope I didn't scare her off. I know she doesn't want to get back together with me, but I really couldn't care less. I just miss her. She's the only person in my life that keeps me sane. I don't remember what it was like before I dated her, and I hate that I have to try and do it now.

"Hey," I hear someone say softly from behind me. I turn around to see Ivy standing behind me. "Arlin!!" I hear my teammate Matt yell towards the door. My eyes follow his voice to see Arlin walking in with Maggie. I completely ignore Ivy and make my way over to the door that Arlin and Maggie are walking through. "Hey," I direct towards Maggie. She looks at me before walking past me. I follow her down the hall, and into my room. As I walk in I close the door behind me. "Do you want me to go get you a drink?" I ask looking down at her empty hands. "Lock the door," She says softly looking down at her feet. She's wearing a black skirt and matching top, and her body looks magnetic like it's calling me to rip her clothes off of her.

"What did you mean earlier?" She whispers, causing me to have to move closer to her. "About me being your girl. What did you mean by that?" The question causes me to look down at the floor before lifting my eyes back up to hers. "It means I love you, still. I always have. I don't think it's possible to be in love with you, and then stop." That causes her to get off the bed and make her way to the door. Instead of stopping her I allow her to open the door and walk out. My heart sinks. And at that moment I get up and make my way out to the rest of the party. The first thing I do is the spot, Celia. As I make my way over to her I'm cut off by Ivy. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave you earlier." I say as my eyes make my way down her body. God, she's wearing a skin-tight red dress that hugs her body perfectly. And the next thing I know my lips are crashing down on hers. At this moment I don't care if Celia sees or Maggie for that matter. If she doesn't want to be with me then there's no reason I shouldn't be able to be happy.

Ivy is pulled back breaking the kiss. I open my eyes to see Celia is the one that pulled Ivy off of me. "What's your deal, Lia." I say sternly towards her. "What's yours Montgomery." Her words slice through me, it takes all my willpower to not hit her. She's a girl Monty calm down. I repeat to myself until I realize this is a party, not a therapy session. "Get out, " I add dryly. "Excuse me?" She replies back to me. I take her arm and have her follow me to the front door before I repeat myself again. "Get out," This time with no room for question in my tone. "Fine, but don't expect me to come over next time your dicks hard." She adds as she makes her way out of the house slamming the door behind her.

Fuck. There's genuinely no need for any of this right now. I just wanted Maggie back. I thought maybe if I made her jealous the way she makes me then she'd realize that she still loves me too. Instead, Celia decided to get involved and now everyone is having a shitty time. By everyone I mean just myself because apparently everyone else is having a great time. When I look over my shoulder to go find Ivy I see Maggie and Arlin on top of each other enjoying each other's company from the looks of it. It makes me sick. No, genuinely I think I got sick from watching them because next thing I know I'm racing to the bathroom to throw up. What the fuck.

Saturday 1:28 pm

Margot: Hey are you okay?

Ivy: Hey had fun last night! See you on Monday.

Celia: Fuck you, seriously Monty, how can you just keep going between three different girls and think that it's okay to play with their emotions like this.

I wake up to three completely different text messages from three different girls. And I don't remember anything that happened last night. But I also don't have the balls to ask any of them. So I call Arlin instead, he might not be my favorite person right now but he probably remembers what happened last night. "Hey," My voice sounds how I feel, rough. "What's up, skipping practice today I see." He laughs from the other end of the phone. Fuck. "Not on purpose, tell coach I'll be late. But hey what happened last night?" I ask setting my phone down and placing it on speaker. "Ah that bad huh," he pauses and before he says anything else he asks me a question. "You sure you wanna know, it was pretty bad." Fuck. What could I have possibly done that Arlin thinks it was bad? This is the same kid that came to school wasted yesterday at 11 am.

"Uh. So, you fucked Ivy. That I know for sure. I don't know, I remember you kicking Celia out, God knows why but you made her pretty upset. And then I guess you blacked out or something because Maggie said she wanted to stay with you, but she had a shoot this morning so she left around the same time I did." I wanna ask him if anything happened between him and Maggie, but I know I'm not ready for that right now. I finish talking to Arlin while getting my shit together for practice. Once I hang up I check my phone and realize I had gotten another text from Maggie.

Margot: Hey, just checking up. You were pretty wasted last night. I hope you're all good. Maybe we could hang tonight?

Monty: I'm good.

That's all I say. I don't want to invite her over until I know for sure what happened with Ivy. But I don't want to ask Ivy. Fuck.

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