Chapter 4

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Glynda POV

"SWEETIE!" I shouted happily as I scooped up my precious baby boy, "Oh I missed you so so much! I will never ever go on a trip like that without you ever again!" I said as I nuzzled him, "Mama." He said happily as he hugged me, "Can Mama have a kiss?" I asked, he smiled and gave me a quick kiss, "Aww thank you, sweetie." I said, "Let's go home, sweetie." I said.

"Did you miss Mama sweetie?" I asked, "Yeah." (y/n) said as I carried him into the house, "Here how about we go out for dinner or I could order us something and stay here." I said, "Home." He said, "Ok honey." I said as I kissed his cheek. 

"Ok sweetie dinner's ready." I said as (y/n) ran over to me, "Ok and up you go." I said as I put him into his high chair. "I bet you missed mama's cooking didn't you." I said, "Yeah." He said as I fed him, "I probably should have asked you this earlier but were you a good boy for Miss Belladonna?" I asked, "KITTY!" He said happily, "I don't understand why you've started calling her kitty, but I'll take that as a yes." I said with a slight laugh.

"Alright, baby it's bedtime." I said as I picked (y/n) up, "Not sleepy." (y/n) said as he rubbed his eye, "What if Mama read you a story? Would you like that?" I asked, "Yeah." He said as he rested his head on my chest, "Alright then." I said as I carried him to his room and tucked him in. "Now this is a very old story and it's a true story as well. This is the tale of the four seasons." I said as I sat at the foot of his bed.

The Good Witch (male child reader X mother Glynda Goodwitch)Where stories live. Discover now