Chapter 3

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Glynda POV

"So Glyn Glyn I hear you had a kid." Qrow said, "Yes I did, and you are not going anywhere near my baby!" I said, "Oh is this him?" He said as he looked at a picture, it took me a few seconds to realize he took my picture of (y/n) out of my wallet, "HEY GIVE THAT BACK!" I said as I tried to take back the picture, "He's kinda cute I guess, but nowhere near as cute as my nieces when they were his age, so what's his name?" He said as he raised his arm high out of my reach, "His name is (y/n) and he is the absolute most adorable child." I said as I used my semblance to make him stop moving and to drop the picture, "Qrow if you ever take something out of my wallet again I'll throw you out the window understood." I said, "Yeah yeah, but quick question how's your credit score?" He said as he flashed me my credit cards, I quickly grabbed them and threw him out the nearest window only for him to transform into a crow and fly off, "AND DON'T COME BACK BIRD BRAIN!" I shouted at him as he flew away. "Glynda play nice." Ozpin said, "God he's so annoying and irresponsible! And why must he insist on treating me like I'm his little sister or something!" I said as we walked.

"Please, I don't want to talk about my son." I said, "Then you shouldn't have kept him a secret." James said, "I didn't! I sent everyone here a letter with a picture of me and (y/n) after he was born! Knowing you it's probably sitting on your kitchen counter unopened." I said, "Probably." He said, "And Qrow Tai probably has yours since you forward all your mail to his house!" I said, "Oh so that's why he kept calling." Qrow said.

"I should call and check up on (y/n)." I said.

Blake POV

"Did you sleep well (y/n)?" I asked, "Yeah." (y/n) said softly, "Well there's only four more days till your mom comes back." I said, "Come on sweetie let's go get something to eat before classes start." I said as I carried him to the cafeteria not realize that I left my scroll behind.

Ozpin POV

"Ruby said (y/n) was with Blake so why isn't she answering?!" Glynda muttered as she typed on her scroll in the corner, "Oz is she ok? She's been muttering to herself for the past twenty minutes." Qrow said, "Qrow I learned a very long time ago... you DO NOT mess with crazy." I said as I took a sip of coffee.

Glynda POV

"Come on I need to talk to my baby!" I said as I crushed my scroll, "Hey Glynda maybe you should calm down just a bit." Qrow said, "I'M PERFECTLY CALM!" I snapped, "Ok sorry for bothering you!" He said.

It was about three in the afternoon when I got a call from Blake. 'I'm so sorry for not answering. I left my scroll in my dorm and Ruby and Yang got their scrolls as well as Weiss's taken.' Blake said, "It's fine, it's not like I was insanely worried and threw a few people out windows or anything." I said, 'On that note would you like to speak to (y/n)?' She said, "Yes, yes I would." I said, 'Mama!' (y/n) said happily, "Hi sweetie, Mama's going to come home very soon. I want you to be a good boy for team RWBY." I said, 'Ok!' He said, "Did you have any accidents?" I asked, 'Yeah.' He said, "Did you get cleaned up? I know I left a note, but that doesn't mean that they gave you a bath!" I said, 'Yes I gave him a bath. He loved playing in the tub it was so adorable!' Blake said, 'Oh man we've got to go, (y/n) just started coloring on the wall!' Blake said before hanging up. "Well, I feel better now that I've talked with my baby." I said, "Glynda where did you get another scroll?" Ozpin asked, "Oh I go through scrolls like candy. At this point, I have no less than ten on me at a time." I said.

The Good Witch (male child reader X mother Glynda Goodwitch)Where stories live. Discover now