Secret Society: Prologue

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Hey people this is my first story so comment, vote and stuff. Thanks to spell check cause just spelled a word wrong:)

The contents of this story are completely fictional. Any similarity to anything in the world is completely coincidental.


Luke POV


Luke looked up from his lunch to see a girl sitting down opposite from him at the table. He surprisingly recognized her.

He didn't recognize anybody here. Luke was new to Bluewaters University, the most renowned college in America. He had to travel halfway across the country just to attend it. He remembered the day he got his final grades. It showed all A's. At the bottom there was a recommendation for a college from the principle: Bluewaters University.

"You're new here, aren't you?" The girl's question jolted him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I am. I'm studying to become a doctor," Luke replied.

"Really? Me too!" The girl said excitedly and smiled. "I think I recognize you. What's your name?"

"Luke Cetour. I recognize you too, your'e in my Science class, arent you?"

"Yeah, I am, and a few others as well. I'm Stacy Bauliston."

Luke looked at Stacy more closely. She had slightly tanned skin, brown hair that reached her elbows that had a curl to it, and was about three inches shorter than Luke. Since Luke was 6'7, Stacy was obviously 6'4. Her most noticeable feature was her dark green eyes. She had no make up on.

"Hey, could I have your cell phone number?" Stacy asked suddenly.

"Um... why?" Luke asked.

It's always good to make a new friend. Besides, I left all mine in Texas when I came to here." Stacy grinned.

"Your'e from Texas? Me too."

After they had exchanged numbers, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"Oh, well, I have to go. See you around," said Stacy. She stood from the table and smiled at Luke before leaving.

"Looks like she likes you, man." A boy sitting next to him said.

"Looks like that."

(A/N: This is what happened right before everything above happens)

Stacy POV

Stacy walked across the lunch room towards a table with a boy eating alone.

He had tanned skin. He had black hair that was not long, but not short either. He had very dark brown eyes.

Stacy sat down across the table from him.

"Hey," she said.


PLEEEEASE comment tell me what you people think and if I should continue. I know it's short, I'm sorry. :) This is just a character description, so of course it's going to be short. Peace

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