Omniscient 30 ♤

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Chapter 30 - Angry.

"I'm sorry about my grandparents babe. I know they can be a handful sometimes." Jeremiah kissed Sam's shoulders, situated behind her, as they walked together through the cool night air.

"It's okay. Your grandfather was cool but that Joan, I was this close to slapping the dentures out of her mouth. I swear, Miah." They both laughed at the image.

"Yea, Grandpa has always been a vibe. Hey, for what's it worth, everyone else loves you," Jeremiah stated, trying to shed light on the situation.

Tonight took a curve. It was obvious that Joan did not like Sam'Riyah and therefore she tried to stir up as much trouble as she could.  She mentioned Leah a dozen times in the space of couple minutes, trying to get Sam uncomfortable by comparing everything Leah was and Sam wasn't. All of a sudden, Leah became this saint and perfect woman for Jeremiah.

"You work in a bakery? That doesn't bring in much does it?" Joan lowly teased.

"Yes I do work in the bakery that I own. It brings in a lot, more than you would think plus I have my business on the side that provides more than I could ask for. So, I'm quite fine financially, if that is what you are asking." Sam mustered a smile.

"Her bakery makes the best pastries in town, Grandma." Aria tried to lighten.

"This town ain't that big." Joan shut down Aria quick.

"It actually is, Joan. I'm proud this young lady has her own thing going on and is not subjected to the system." Steven defended.

Sam smiled.

Jeremiah went upstairs to cool off. He was this close to snapping at his grandmother for disrespecting Sam every chance she got.

"Come on, Jeremiah. Don't be like this. If you go down there, everything will be blown. Riyah's okay. She's okay," Jeremiah spoke to himself in the bathroom mirror and gave himself a smile.

He went down and saw Sam sitting there uncomfortably.  He sat beside her and brought her into his side. She visibly loosened up.

"Jeremiah you didn't tell me exactly how you and Leah-"

"She was getting on my f'kn nerves and making me miserable, kinda like what you are doing right now Grandmother," Jeremiah snapped.

Sam stiffened. Jeremiah was at his peak.

"Hey. Hey. Watch yo' mouth!" Joan and Janet scolded.

"No, you watch your mouth Grandma. You've been disrespecting Riyah from evening and bringing up Leah, who is old news to me. It's really pissing me off! I didn't even want you here!"

Sam'Riyah grabbed his hands in attempt to calm him down. It was futile.

"Oh. Have you really stopped your anger classes?  It seems you need to resume them because you ain't being right! I don't know but you don't have to be angry right now."

He was now ticked. Sam acted.

"Okay. Hey, Miah. Look I'm fine. You're fine. It's okay." Sam tried to convince him.

"I-" Jeremiah wanted to put his grandmother in place.

"Jeremiah. It's okay. Come on. Excuse us."

"Enough of me. I could handle it. I was just glad I got to calm you down before you lashed out at them," Sam said.

"Thank you for that. I just couldn't deal with them being overly disrespectful in my house." Jeremiah picked up stride with Sam and held her hand as they walked.

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