Omniscient 26 ♡

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Chapter 26- Bye, Baby.

Sam wiped her tears and walked out, trying to keep her composure. Jeremiah gave her a concerned look.

"Sam'Riyah, you okay?" he asked.

She nodded. He gave her a look before taking her hand and they both walked to the car together. They drove in silence until Jeremiah stopped the car.

"Sam ,are you sure you are okay?"

Tears sprang back to her eyes and she let out a sob. Jeremiah grabbed her, trying to comfort her.

"Jeremiah, I think I'm pregnant. This isn't the first I have thrown up, I have been through the past week and I have these headaches and all these symptoms. My emotions are all over the place and I was easily ticked, hence why I went off on Juhaun. I know my body's changing and I can't help but think..." She started sobbing again.

"Hey Sam, babies are a blessing. There's no need to be sad." Jeremiah rubbed her back.

"I know. It's not the baby, it's the father."

Jeremiah froze. That made Sam laugh.

"Why the hell are you laughing, Sam'Riyah?" Jeremiah asked.

"You froze up as soon as I said that. It's funny but it's not you. It's Gabe's and I didn't want to deal with him at all or at least anytime soon but if I am pregnant which I'm a good ninety eight percent sure I am, it changes everything," Sam replied.

"Jeremiah!" We heard muffled calling.

We looked around and found the source. Leah was on call on Jeremiah's phone. He put the phone on speaker.

Leah: Is Sam pregnant?
: How the hell did you reach here?
Leah: What?! You called me!
: I didn't. The phone was in my pocket the entire time.

Realization dawned on him. Pocket dialing was a thing... He thought.

Leah: Is she really pregnant?
: How much did you hear?
Leah: She said she's ninety eight percent sure she's pregnant and it changes everything. Is the child yours? If it is, I swear this is Karma coming to bite me in the ass.

She said the last sentence low, mostly to herself but it could be heard.

: What? Leah what are you talking 'bout?
Leah: Jeremiah can we meet up? I have to talk to you alone. Now too, so meet me at the diner. Bring Sam, I don't care, the damage is done.
: Okay.

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