Omniscient 6 ◇

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Chapter 6- Pretend.

Two weeks have passed and Sam was on high alert, worried.
She tried to push it away and hide it from those she was around, especially little Riley.

Riley now made frequent visits to the bakery and kept her company while she worked, whether baking or book keeping. Jeremiah would pick up Riley when the bakery was close to closing and she was grateful for that because she wasn't alone when locking the bakery and in return for their unknowing help, she always had a dessert/pastry for the two.

"Angel how do you swirl?" Riley asked.

"It's quite simple actually and will seem like nothing as soon as you get used to it. Come, let me show you." Sam got a bare cupcake, stood behind Riley and showed her the simple technique of swirls.

She got the hang of it somewhat, it was good for her age. She allowed her to do some for herself.

"Angel, can I tell you a secret? You have to promise you will not tell anyone though," Riley said, stopping her swirls.

Sam finished her last swirl and got the sprinkles and flakes.

"Yes you can and I promise." Sam fist bumped Riley as a seal of their secret.

"So, I do not know my mommy and I do not know my daddy. I see others at school with their mommy and daddy. It makes me real sad, Angel." Riley pouted.

Sam sighed. She felt that for Riley.

"It's gonna' be okay. You have a whole family with you," Sam said, embracing Riley.

"I know but it isn't the same without mommy and daddy," Riley said.

Sam nodded. It was true. It is hard for Riley to grow up without parents. Sam did not want to imagine what it would be like without her parents (despite recent circumstances).

"That's true," Sam said.

"Hey wanna play a game that doesn't end?" Riley asked.

"What game is that?"

"You be my pretend mommy until my real mommy comes," Riley replied.

Sam paused. Where was this little girl's mother?

"How exactly do I pretend to be your mommy?"

"I know you don't live with me but it's easy. Just tell me you love me everyday, play with me, hug me and always make cupcakes!" Riley exclaimed.

Sam laughed.

"I think I can do that and even if your real mommy shows up, I'll still do all those things," Sam said.

She put the cupcakes in storage and then began to clean up so she could go home. It was past the lock up time and Jeremiah wasn't there yet. She didn't bother to call him. She could just bring Riley home herself.

"Are you done washing your hands Riley?" Sam yelled.

"Yea, I-" Riley screamed.

Sam got alerted and ran around to the bathroom.

"Riley are you okay?"

"Yes sorry Angel. A moth just flew through the window and scared me," Riley said.

Sam sighed in relief.

Jeremiah got caught up with a patient and so he was late for Riley. It still puzzled him how Riley got attached to Sam so quickly. Everyone liked the woman, even though she was not the social butterfly and was so silent that Jeremiah wished Leah could be like that sometimes.

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