Omniscient 22 ♡

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Chapter 22- Pieces.

Sam laid in Juhaun's lap, conflicted. Juhaun frowned at her state. He knew something was up as soon as he got the text to come to her house. They were in the living room on the couch.

"What's wrong? Who messed with you? Let's roll up on they ass real quick!" Juhaun voiced.

That put a smile on Sam's face.

"Gabriel. He's being a huge pain right now. I just broke up with him," Sam revealed.

"No. You're serious?" Juhaun voiced.

"Yep. He's such an ass for letting me go to the cabin with this sh't. I literally am going to that place in a couple hours and his ass does this! I told Kelly, that was completely head over heels with him, literally the other day, that I was in a relationship with him! I even told the others and Adrienne and Camilla were ecstatic! Now, I go, having to explain why Gabe isn't with me and explain that explanation. Cheating on Gabe definitely isn't something I am proud of and that is the only explanation of why his yellow ass did not show up!" Sam ranted.

"Breathe sis. How about not going to the cabin?" Juhaun suggested.

"Do you know how it feels not having your best friends around you? I haven't seen them in three years! I cannot pass up the opportunity to see them. I love the others but I've seen them last year. I just have got to see Adrienne and Camilla. I just don't wanna explain to them the situation. Juhaun, I called you here for help. Help me." Sam narrowed her eyes at him.

"The real question is, how? How can I help you?" Juhaun asked, giving Sam a pointed look.

"I don't wanna go to that cabin anymore. I just wanna see Adrienne and Camilla," Sam said.

"Okay, so what if I can make Adrienne and Camilla come here?" Juhaun asked.

"Then I would bake you anything you want for the rest of your life and have conversations about females, you so desperately want me to," Sam replied.


"If you do this, I'ma be so grateful."

And that is how Adrienne and Camilla were outside Sam's door, waiting to surprise her and with three tickets to the Bora Bora. They spent some time with the others but they cut that short so they can spend the rest of the time here with Sam.

Sam tried to keep her mind off things. Obviously, she didn't go to the cabin, much to the others' disappointment. She was stuck at home, just in contact with her family, local friends, Riley and Juhaun. Gabriel had tried to contact her but she was certainly doing a great job avoiding him. She heard the door knocking extremely loud and immediately was in the pissed mode.

She swung the door open ready to tell the person a piece of her mind but was shocked to see her two friends.

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed.

They wrapped each other in a hug.

"What? How? Guys!" Sam spluttered.

Adrienne and Camilla invited themselves in the house, dragging Sam to the couch with them.

"So, a little guy named Juhaun arranged with us to come here since you couldn't make it to the cabin this year. We really could not argue with that arrangement, we needed to see our best friend. It's been so long, too long," Adrienne answered Sam's question.

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