My Past Is Following Me...And My Celebrity Boyfriend

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    I couldn’t make out faces in the dim light of our dingy porch lamp.  All I knew was they were wearing suits and drove big black SUVs.  My foster mother was looking at them like they were crazy, but they said something to her and she pointed to me in the window and motioned for me to come out front.
“Yes Ma'am?”  I asked.
None of us foster kids called her Gina or mom.  Only the adopted kids got to call her that.  She was a stern woman with graying hair and a bit of a beak nose.  She scared us all!; even the kids who were kicked out of more schools and foster homes than they could count, just for having some fun and raising a bit of h**l.
“These nice men here have come to take you.  They have papers from the agency and everything.”
UGH! Her voice sends shivers down my spine; it’s like nails against a chalkboard whenever she opens her mouth!
“I’m sorry...I’m confused...Taking me where exactly?”  I put my hands on my hips and shot one of the suits my best ‘what are you looking at’ looks.  He gave it right back only about ten times better. YIKES!

“We are here because you have been chosen out of many girls to be granted a scholarship to a prestigious boarding school in England.  Your grades young lady are outstanding! Even though your police record is...extensive we thought you would be our best choice.”  His voice was monotonous and serious the whole way through his little speech.
“HUH?”  I looked at him like, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!” While on the inside, I was doing a little happy dance.  Im a goin to England. Im a goin to England. 
“If you accept, please go and pack your belongings. We will be here to pick you up tomorrow at eight o'clock sharp.”
“Um... DUH!!! Of course I accept!  I mean who wouldn’t? I get to go to school in England!  Thank you so much, I will see you tomorrow!” 
“Good night Ms. Hays, Mrs. Burns”
Gina shut the door after the man and looked at me with misty eyes. 
“Ma'am?  What’s wrong?”
She just stared before hugging me.
“I am so proud of you and the young woman you are becoming!  I can’t believe that you have a full scholarship to a school in England.  What do you say we go check this place out online?”  She looked at me after she pulled back, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.  She looked softer somehow and I just couldn’t say no.
“Lets go!”
I powered up my laptop and got on the internet.  My laptop is like my baby.  I got it for my fifteenth birthday; half from my real mom who is currently in jail and half from Gina.  It’s a mac book but I have covered it with so much of my own art work that I had made into stickers that you can’t really tell anymore. 
“What's the name of the school?” I asked.  Wow. I didn’t even ask what the name of it was before they left.  How stupid could I be?
“It’s called Preston High.  'A Boarding School For The Gifted'.”  Gina was beaming at me.  A smile from ear to ear.  I think she might even be more excited than I was!  HA!
I typed the name into the search bar and clicked on the first site.
“Oh. My. God...sorry...Gosh.”  On the web page in front of me was a beautiful campus on the coast of Windermere Lake.  The buildings were made of brick and looked like they had been there for centuries.  The ivy growing up the sides of the building and the black wrought iron gates gave it a look of wealth and class.  I'm not so sure I am going to fit in there...

Before we go any further into the story let me tell you a little bit about myself.  My name is Annabelle Rosemary Hays.  I know, classy right?  Well here's the thing about me.  I am so totally not classy.  Sure, I’ve been told I’m pretty and it would serve my future well if I cleaned up my act and my appearance, but I don’t care.  I’ve had a pretty tough life, but I like to keep it...private.  If people knew about my past I feel like they would treat me like I am some breakable, delicate little flower.  Well, I’m not. 
See, my dad came from a very wealthy family.  He met my mom while she was a waitress at a local diner. It was your classic love story, until my mom came home one night from work to find my dad dead on the floor.  He died of an overdose before I was even born.  Mom used to say, "The pressures of society were too much for him to handle."  My mom told me I look just like him.  Brown hair, dark blue eyes, small nose, large pink lips, and fair skin.  When she lost him she went into a depression but when she had, me she had to try and stay strong.  Right around my fourth birthday, something snapped in her.  She couldn’t stay together anymore; she went crazy.  On the night of my fourth birthday, after all of my friends had left and I was asleep in my bed, she got a knife from down stairs.  The very knife that was used to cut my birthday cake just a few hours earlier.  She came into my room and woke me.  I will never forget the look that crossed her face when she brought the knife to my cheek and slashed me.  Then she took it to my back and cut me all the way up my spine.  I cried out in pain and sometimes when I have nightmares about my weekly beatings I can still feel the pain of the knife and smell the copper sent of blood in the air, the same blood that covered my skin and soaked my sheets.   
After that experience, I never wanted to feel vulnerable again so I became this hardened version of me.  I took martial arts classes and I am now a black belt and the champ at my dojo studio.  Everyone knows not to mess with me.  The only one who even knows about my past is my best friend, Emily.  She knows everything and she is the ONLY person who can tell me what to do without being flipped onto their back. 
“Ma'am, I think I'm going to start packing and call Emily if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not!  I’ll be in the kitchen making food for your flight tomorrow if you need me.” 
“Okay. Thank you so much, for everything that you have done to help me.”
She left my room and I pulled out my cell phone, scrolled through the contacts, and called Emily.


edited by my sis sarah! <3

My Past Is Following Me And My Celebrity Boyfriend (formerly Bad Girl Still Bad)Where stories live. Discover now