She shifted slightly, her cape swaying behind her as she waited patiently for something, anything.

"I mean, if it's not too much trouble..." Coulson said, trying to contain himself as he stands next to one of his heroes.

"No no, it's fine," Steve replied kindly.

Melissa watched them from across the room with an amused smirk.

"It's a vintage set... It took me a couple of years to collect them all..." Coulson continued, Steve keeping a straight face and trying to be as nice as he can to the fan."Near mint! Slight foxing around the edges, but... "

"We got a hit! A 67% match," an agent called out, making Melissa straightened her slightly bent over posture. "Wait. Cross match, 79%."

"Location," Melissa spoke up, beating Coulson to it.

"Stuttgart, Germany. 28 Konigstrasse," he pulled up an image of the location whilst Melissa gracefully flew across the room, gently landing behind him. "He's not exactly hiding."

Melissa's eyes squinted, she agreed fully with what he was saying. She knew there was something suspicious about Loki's action but her honest thoughts were that she wanted to capture him and get back to Wakefield.

"Captain, Superhuman," Fury announced, catching both of their attention. "You two are up."

Whilst Steve inhaled slowly and exhlaed sharply, Melissa grinned brightly, turning back to the computer and obsorbing the photo before beginning to make her departure.


     REYNA AND CLINT WALKED THROUGH THE shadows, perfectly hidden from guards' eyes. Clint quickly loaded an arrow into his bow and aimed it to the rooftop where a guard stood whilst Reyna loaded her silence pistol and aimed it towards the other.

Exhaling slowly, she fired the bullet as Clint let go of the arrow. Both types of arsenal soared gracefully through the night sky, landing perfectly in the separate targets. The guards fell instantly, both being killed.

Reyna twirled the pistol in her hand before sliding it back in its holster and following Clint to back entrance where they both then had to wait for Loki to get a replica of the eye.

Reyna's foot tapped impatiently as the archer pulled out one of the devices they stole from SHIELD. The purpose of it basically being that it'd create a realistic hologram of whatever it came in contact with, in this case being an eye that Loki was going to retrieve.

Clint placed it to the eye scanner, its three legs securing around the edges.
Reyna got to watch as the device slowly created a hologram of the eye and gave them access to the building.

The door slid open, Clint gripping tightly on the edge and holding it open. He ushered the agents with them inside before following closely behind Reyna.

They rushed through the building, searching for the iridium Selvig needed.

"Here," Reyna called out, pulling a drawer out, revealing a uniquely designed stone.

She quickly tore it out and handed it to Clint who secured it in a small bag.

Meanwhile, in Stuttgart, Loki walked through the building, smiling at the screams and yells of terror from the crowd. His Asgardian armor slowly faded onto his body as he walked, his helmet slowly growing and the horns swinging upwards.

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