My plate crashed to the floor and I began to run. At that moment, I found out how it felt to be a salmon swimming upriver to lay its eggs. I pushed against the flow of terror-stricken people, trying in vain to swim the sea that just would not relent.

Out of the smoke strolling through the now gaping hole in the wall, appeared a man that I have only fantasized about, never expecting I would see him in real life. Loki glided through the rubble like it was not even there, looking as fabulous as he ever did on the big screen, if not better.

He smiled. His smile alone was enough to make me melt.

With a loud voice, he demanded, "Where is Alita Renate? Hand yourself over. There will be no need to harm innocents if you cooperate. I don't take pleasure in harming the helpless, but it will be unavoidable if I need to apprehend you."

After I shook off my fan-girl stupor, scolding myself for going doe-eyed for the man who just blew up my favorite museum, I did the most logical thing anyone in my situation would do. I ran like a gazelle being chased by the cheetah that is far more qualified at running than myself. Unlucky for me, I had already succeeded in fighting the current of people and I was directly in Loki's line of sight. (Okay I'll stop with the animal comparisons now.) I felt bad for leaving Grandpapa behind, but I figured that it would be more helpful if I got the Norse god as far away from him as I could.

For the first time ever, I was grateful to the adults in my life for forcing me to the gym every day. I was able to outpace him, but I knew I would not be able to outrun him forever. I was a sprinter, not a marathoner and I could tell by his build and how he chased me that he was the latter.

Racing out of the museum I had to scramble around any stragglers who were still trying to get out. Moving away from the museum I went down alleys and as many deserted streets as I could to keep him away from innocents.

The inevitable happened and he caught up. He was not even panting! He had not even broken a sweat! Soooo not fair.

Did I think that I would be able to give him the slip?


But I still ran. And now I am back to where I started. Isn't this fun! Maybe you, the person sitting comfortably, or not, I do not know I cannot see you, might think this is fun. However for me, I can promise it was not.

Remember when I said that he pointed his spear at my face, and I remembered no more? I lied. What? Do not blame me, I needed you to continue reading somehow. It is a common writing technique!

Anyway, there was a spear in my face. Like any normal person in a similar situation, the first thing I wanted to do (the keyword being wanted) was to scream my head off and say some random nonsense. When a person is clearly going to be the one to undo all the protection of the being a family has been trying to protect their entire lives, these are logical things to do. But being the mature Infinity Stone that I am, I did not do any of those things.

Instead, I brought up my legs to my chest with the illusion that it would provide some sort of minimum protection against the spear point.

Pushing away from the edge of the blade from my face with my finger I said, "Do you mind pointing that somewhere else? I enjoy having my face thank you very much, and I wouldn't want to part with it just yet."

He smirked, "You have  cheek, I'll give you that, but I have no intention of harming you. You have something that I want, no something I need."

"What makes you think I will help you? You just blew up my favorite museum and crashed my birthday party! Those are some pretty big reasons not to help you. Even worse, you made me drop my cake."

He shrugged, "Could not be helped."

"I beg to differ," I said.

"It does not matter what I did to the museum or the cake, because I have what you need."

Before I could think of a way to respond to that, he grabbed me by the waist and flipped me completely, my back landing hard onto the pavement knocking the wind out of me. I could not start breathing properly again before the tip of his spear pressed against my chest.

Nothing could prepare someone for it, what happens inside one's head. I still had control over my thoughts, feelings, and opinions, those were very much my own. I was still the same person. It was as if I was looking at a picture on social media then someone put a filter on it. The picture was exactly the same, but now I was looking at it differently. It was the Loki filter, I understood why he saw life how he did and agreed with him.

This was what made the Mind Stone so dangerous, it was more than brainwashing someone. It was flipping someone's perspective on life.

At first my mind fought it, knowing that if I had this filter in my head my most important secret would not be safe. I would willingly give it away. However, it was wonderful. I don't know any other way of describing it. My mind finally gave in. It saw that it was inevitable and I no longer fought the stone or the one wielding it.

All this happened in a few seconds.

The Seventh Infinity StoneΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα