Chapter 2: Thinking about you

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Dahyun's POV

Finally, classes are over. My head seems to cool down a bit, too. I should probably apologize to Chaeyoung.

I sighed while walking towards the direction of where Chaeyoung's classroom is.

When I saw Chaeyoung and Tzuyu exited their classroom, I hurriedly chase Chae and tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey..." I called

"What do you want?" He asked coldly, while Tzuyu looked at us back and forth with a worried look.

"Bro, I'm sorry, I'm really not in the mood earlier that's why I told you all those harsh things. As a sign of apology, I'll treat you to our mall." I told Chaeyoung, but he just widened his eyes.

"Are you crazy!? Your grandfather will just get mad at you, again! Okay, I'll accept your apology but please don't do what you said." He said with an annoyed tone.

"No, I insist. I don't care if, hal-abeoji (grandpa) will scold me again."

"Tsk. Fine, but don't blame me if Mr. Kim will lecture you nonstop." He said and I just smiled slightly.

Kim's Mall...

"Okay, you two, choose whatever you want, it's all free." I told them boastfuly.

"Don't act so smug just because your family owns this place. We aren't gonna get a lot, I'm just gonna find a gift for my girlfriend." Chaeyoung said and began to enter a jewelry store.

"I'm just gonna go and find a nice c-camera, Dahyun-hyung. I-I'm gonna ask M-Momo-ssi to take a picture w-with me." Tzuyu stuttered while talking. Aww, this tall baby is really growing up.

"Choose whatever camera you want, Tzu. It's all free." I smiled at him.

"Thank you, hyung." He smiled back and entered a store with lots of diferrent cameras.

I sighed as those two leaved me. "Well, its just me right now, huh?"

I began to walk around our mall, ignoring those people who knew and drool over me.

I was just silently walking around when I bumped into someone. What's with people bumping into me lately?

"Watch where you're-" I was cutted of by my own when I saw who I bumped into. Deja vu...

"You again?" Be both said at the same time, well I more likely yelled it while she said it more quietly. Yep folks, it is the Minatozaki Sana.

"I-I'm sorry, Dahyun-ssi. It's my fault that I just stood on this way where people are walking." She bowed, and its making me pissed again. She always thinks that she's always the wrong one, one of the attitude of an innocent girl that I hate the most.

"Tch. You better be sorry. Don't get in the people's way, ever again." I told her with such venom on my voice.

"But, can I ask something?" She questioned.

"You're already asking." I said joked with no emotions at all.

"A-Ahh! I-I'm sorry." I mentally facepalmed myself, geez, why does she take the joke seriously?  "S-So, as I was saying, what are you doing here, Dahyun-ssi?"

"I own this mall, that's all." I said without thinking, oop-


"You heard me. Now, leave me alone." I told her while putting my hands on my pockets but I then heard footsteps coming towards our direction.

"Sana-yah!/Sana!/Sattang!/Sana-chan!" Four people called. How many nicknames does this girl have?

"Nayeon-unnie! Jeongyeon-oppa! Momoring! Minari!" She waved at her friends.

"W-Where h-have y-you b-been? W-We've b-been l-looking e-everywhere f-for y-you!" The girl with the bunny teeth asked worriedly while trying to catch her breath.

"A-Ahh! Mianhe, Nayeon-unnie. I just bought perfumes and after that I decided to go back to you all but I bumped into Dahyun-ssi and here we are." Sana explained, what am I even doing here?

"D-D-Dahyun-ssi!?" Finally, they recognized me.

"Okay... I know that you know that I'm the Kim Dahyun, it was nice meeting you but I have to go, 'kay bye." I said fastly like I was rapping, I really didn't care about meeting them.

"W-Wait!" Sana called me but cutted off by her only male friend (who puts his hand on her shoulder), which I easily recognized who. Yoo Jeongyeon, the youngest child of the 3rd richest family here in South Korea.

"Enough, Sana, let him be." Jeongyeon told her.

I wanted to leave right now. But when I was about to, somebody called me.

"Dahyun!/Dahyun-hyung!" Two familiar voices is what I've heard, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu's.

"Dahyun, do you think Mina will... like... this... one... eh...?" He stopped when he saw his girlfriend, staring at him suspiciously. "A-A-Ahh... d-did I said s-something, Dahyun?  I guess not, ahehe." Chae awkwardly laughs as his girlfriend send daggers at him.

"Did you say something, Son Chaeyoung?" Mina's glare is really creepy right now, goodluck Chae. I'll ready your grave, lol just kidding.

This couple... *sighs*

Well, they're not the only one who's having a 'lovey-dovey' scene here. A much handsome version of Yoda and a Jokbal freak is too.

"S-So, uhm... h-how are you?" I've never seen Tzuyu this shy before, please give me some popcorn, hahaha.

"I-I'm good, thank you for asking!" This food lover is a little shy type too as she was stuttering her lines.

"Y-You want to get some Ice Cream or Jokbal or a-anything?" Ooh, smooth move, Tzu. Asking her already on a date eh?

"Uhm, thank you for the offer, T-Tzuyu-kun. But, we're gonna go h-home now. N-Next time, probably?" The best dancer rejected kindly while smiling at Tzu, but she did agreed, right?

"O-Oh, i-is that so? O-Okay then." Tzu smiled back at that girl, which is 'I-forgot-her-freaking-name'.

Can't blame me, I don't care about any students in JYPH except for my friends.

"B-Bye, T-Tzuyu-kun!" The girl waved at Tzu and he did the same.

"Bye, DaChaeTzu!" Sana and her friends bid their goodbyes to us while using our title. When they are far from our sight, I nudged Tzuyu while smirking.

"Did you have fun talking to your crush, huh, Tzuyu-'kun'?"

"W-What? I-I... u-uhm..." He stuttered, aww so cute! Just to inform you, I'm not gay!

"How 'bout you Dubs? Bumping into Sana-ssi is like a destiny eh?" Now, it was Chae's trun to smirk.

"Heck no, that's just a pure coincidence. Nothing more, alright." I defended.

"Just sayin'."

"Well, about you and your girlfriend?" I again smirked at the victory, his face flushed red in embarrassment. "Love Quarrel, eh?"

"S-She just have gotten the wrong idea." He rubbed the back of his neck, while looking down with sorrow. "I'll just apologize to her tomorrow and give the gift."

"So you didn't have the chance to give her that, huh? Well, goodluck with that." I burst into laughter as I saw this cub beginning to turn into a beast right here in front of me, his face red in embarrassment and anger.

"S-Shut u-up!"

This day has been fun, I hoped that everyday we'll be like this. A day full of laughters and fun, like we're the only people in this world.

But, there's still someone who's beginning to occupy my mind.

Minatozaki Sana... why am I worried that you're too innocent for this world? Why do I feel frustrated whenever I thought of someone taking advantage of you? What are you doing to me...?

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