Me: "Where is (Y/N)?! IS he ok?! Is everything alright?!"

Shadow: "Everything is alright Miss. Weiss. I can say that he is fine at the moment but may have a little rant sometime soon, we like for you to listen and you may bring others if you want. We will call you when he is ready, thank you Miss. Schnee for calling."

Me: "Thank you shadow. If I need anything I will text you, if that is alright."

Shadow: "Yes it is alright, have a good day Miss Schnee."

He hang up from the call and I fall on the ground. I was crying tears of joy. I was nervous that I may have lost the only person who make me feel like me. Ruby hug me and I cry into her shoulder. I was holding her tight, then I remember that (Y/N) give me something to remember him by when I left to Beacon.

I walk over to my stuff and take out a little plushie of (Y/N) with a little note:

To my little Snowball. I know you miss me and I give you this. See you later my little Ice queen,

-    (Y/N)

I hold it tight as I went to lay down. The others try to confront me but I can't stop thinking about him. Why him? Why now? Do I like him or am I just to worry about him?


I woke up in a strange room. It was purple-black with hints of Red. I look at the window nearby, the black sky was something I didn't recognize. It was like a strange new world. I got up and summon shadows, 12 in all.

Me: "Scout the area."

The shadows then launch out and hide within dark. They move around this large area and I saw all of them at once.

They came across a large room with a large round table. There stand was Cinder and four others. They seem to be discussing something.

???: "(Y/N). I believe that you scoop long enough. Come out of the shadows, show them all your true powers. Come on now."

I know that voice. It was Salem's. But how? How is she here? I bet she could tell me. I then use the shadow as myself and stand up. Cinder and the 3 others look surprise but I could not see Salem.

Me: "Salem show yourself. I want to see your true self."


A weird looking Faunas stand up. His tail was ready to strike. I just simple got out my dagger and stare him down. He have two blades on his arms and he lower his body, maybe that is his fighting stance.

Cinder: "Tyrian stop it. I sure that our queen not want us to hurt him."

Tyrian: "You sure, but I need to hear her myself."

He lunge at me and strike my blade. I take out my second dagger and I twirl around him and slash him. By constantly twisting my body using both kicks and slashes I can ensure that I am always attacking. Tyrian is limit on his movements and barely able to counter my attacks.

Salem: "STOP NOW!"

We both stop and look at a person. I blush upon that face. The pale white face, black veins, black eyes, and that black hair in about 8 buns. I was stun by the person resemblance on that of a Grimm.

Salem: "Is there something wrong, (Y/N)?"

I just jump a step backwards. Everyone else is bowing their heads while I just stand there like a idiot. I vanish and return to my body. I was beathing heavily, did I just met the Queen of the Grimm? Salem who are you?

I walk to the large throne chamber with the other 11 shadows. Once there the others was confused on what have transpire but Salem, she sit on her throne and smile. I walk up to the chair and kneel down, head down as well.

Me: "Oh Queen Salem, for how long I have heard your voice, how about 7 months search for you. At last I now stand in front of the person who in this world that I know won't cast me away. Please allow me to stand by your side." *head up* I say this as a loyal servant to you."

She seem displease by this. She stand up and I cast a huge shadow wall behind me, invisible to the others. I  stand up and wait for her to walk to me. She trace her fingers around my body and examine me. I stand there, waiting for her.

After she finish we stood in front of me again. She lean in close to my face. I have no clue what is happening. She pull her arms over my neck, she pull my hair towards her. She kiss me and I wrap my arms around her.

The wall went down and they all see us making out. Cinder look piss off while Tyrian look mad, the other two have a shock face. She then let me go and hold me close.

Salem: "My love, we are finally together. How I have waited for this for many years. I will never lose you again."

Me: "I have no idea what you are talking about but I wanted to meet you for a long time as well."

I then remember the promise I made with her. Crap. Salem pull me in for another kiss. Cinder stand up and walk towards me. Salem let go and look at Cinder.

Salem: "Is there something wrong Cinder? Can't you see I am busy with my love."

Cinder:" Me and him have some unfinished business that you may want to see."

She pull me to her. She blush a crimson red before looking at Salem. After a few seconds she pull me in for a kiss. The three men drop there mouths.

Then I felt something go around my leg. It was long and slimy and I was yank away and onto the throne. Salem then straddle on me and start kissing me. She lick my bottom lip begging to enter. I slid my hands down and grab her ass. She yelp and I ran my tongue into her.

I made a clone for Cinder to stop me from being yank around. As the clone, she kiss it and start holding it's head. She lift her leg slightly and hold it close.

Then the I made another clone and signal them to go away. Tyrian was piss off but go away while the other two just went. They seem to have obeisance to Salem. Wow.

Salem:" Hey love, you want to move this into our bedroom?"

Me:" Nani?! I mean What?!"

Cinder look at Salem and my clone vanish. I just stare at Salem as she just look deeply into my eyes. Her was full with lust and hearts. I won't mind if I won't have to break some hearts and promises.


That is all for now thanks.

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