By next morning we would infiltrate the West pack. And probably stop whatever experiment Harper was doing on Nira.

Kaina bit her lower lip. "It's not like we need Zyon to win."

"But it won't hurt to have someone as powerful as him on our side," Miguel muttered.

Taurus nodded. "As much as I hate to say this, he is pretty powerful. I don't know what his origin is, but he can pack one strong punch. Poor boy, even he does not know what his origin is. I can't pinpoint to what his origin is. It is neither a star nor a pulsar."

Aries' brows met. "Who grew him up?"

"Zyon says it is his sister who grew him up," Taurus sighed. "Wish I knew more about his sister. But he refuses to tell a word about her."

Just as we were planning to attack tomorrow, Rye ran to our table that was out in the open. Tents were put up for resting, but we planned the battle out.

Her hair was frazzled and her skin was painted by blood.

"West pack-" she gasped as she fell on the floor. "They found out about this and they are moving onto us. Epione and I left to spy and they found us. Harper got Epione in her clutches and Epione somehow managed to get me out alive. I came to tell you this."

Just as Rye was about to fall down on her knees, Sheila rushed towards her mate and caught her. Our camp became silent. The war that we chased after rerouted and came back at us. But we had been preparing an entire week for this, haven't we? What was there to fear?

"How much time will it take for Spring Pack and Tribe to reach here?" I asked Corvus.

He blinked at me before he cleared his throat. "About a day."

I glanced at Kaina. My Beta's mate nodded. "North Tribe is not far. They are just a couple of hours away."

Gritting my teeth, I raised my voice. Hopefully, this would be my first and the last battle I lead as an Alpha. "I am honoured! I am honoured to fight alongside with you all. We have been chasing after West Pack for a week and now, they have done a favour to strike at us. We are prepared for this war. We don't need to have fear in our hearts. Some might fight today because you know me," I glanced at Jarred, the Warlock who happened to be a good friend of Aspen. "Or because of an alliance," I saw Omicron Riley, Epsilon Sorrel and the allies Alpha Eric brought. "Or because you are my friend," I changed my sight to Corvus, Nadia, Jed, Eric and a few people who I had befriended. "Or because you consider me as kin," Aspen, Kaina, Zahra, Silas and Taurus smirked at that. "Or because you are in my pack," My pack members smiled at me, sending me their warmth through our pack bond. "Or because you are my mate," Aries held my hand. "But whatever reason made you come here, I hope it will make you fight this war too."

Apart from Rye's heavy breathing, I could not hear any other sounds. "Technically, Royals should have interceeded this battle, but because of the misfortune that fell on the Royals, we are left alone. Had the King and Queen been alive, I am sure they would have fought for me." If Antlia, their daughter believed that I was worth fighting for, would they not too? "For I was a rejected female. But Alpha Ethan Verir's cruelty does not end there. He went as far as banishing me and my sister from our pack lands for a mistake that was never ours. He killed my father and my best friend, Aurelia, who I came to know just met her mate. His mate, Harper she began an inhumane project that all the scientists forced Summer Coven to shut down."

At those words, many gave me my undivided attention. For what happened twenty years ago was not something anyone could easily forget. Females for that particular year lived in fear.

"Summer Coven did a project I hope you all know," I continued. "A project where they inseminated females with sperms of... different races to study the genetic effect." Telling them the truth was not wise now. "A project where many homes lost their daughters, sisters, wives, mothers. Harper is beginning that project and to stop her, this war may be the only language she might understand."

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