"What my baby wants ha? " I asked poking his nose and giggled.

"Maa.. " He called in his baby voice suddenly. My baby called me 'Ma' for the first time! I squealed loudly in happiness kissing him soundly.

"What happened? " Rudra asked breathlessly as he came running into my room.

"My baby called me Maa." I said shedding tears of joy. I always know his first word will be Maa, he's my baby.

"Wow!!" Rudra said coming towards Ved.

"Baby, chalo say Maa once again." I cooed and Ved gave a baby smile showing his teeth and turned away to play with his toys.

"Ved.. Just once more, please." I requested taking him in my arms.

"Come on say, Ma... "

"Mu" Rudra said cutting me off.

"Rudra! Shut up don't confuse my baby." I scolded him.

"What? I am making him call me as well." Rudra defended. "Ved say Mamu." He cooed.

"No, say Mama baby."

"Mamu." Rudra said.

"Mama." I raised my voice.

"Mamu." He said challenging me.

"Ma.. "

"Mu.. "

"Ma.. "

"Mu.. "

And then officially fight began between Rudra and me.

"You idiot, didn't I said not to confuse him." I said hitting him with Ved's soft toy.

"He already called you, it's my turn now." Rudra said throwing Ved's toy truck on me. Which hit me with force, I am sure it left a bruise on my forehead.

"Aaj toh tum gaya mere haath mein." I said and Rudra began to run all around the house while I chased him.
He ran all around the house, Darpok. But I am not gonna leave him without a black eye today.

Finally I caught him in the living room.

"Idiot, you hurt me. See, I got a bruise on my forehead." I shouted hitting Rudra as he was laying on the floor helpless.

"It's you, who started the fight." He said catching and twisting my hand making me wince.

"You started irritating me and then you have a nerve to hit me" I said giving a flat punch on his jaw.

"Ouch!" He winced and began to fight with me.

We both were fighting like street rogues on the floor and I can distinctly hear. Our maid running towards the landline phone.

"Memsaab, Rudra sir and Gauri madam are fighting hitting each other." She said frantically and then came running towards us holding the phone.

"Ru" My mom voice came from the phones loudspeaker making us still. "Ri." She sounded angry.

"He/she started first." We both shouted in unison.

Our chef came running with a laptop on which my Mom and Dad is on skype. He placed the laptop in front of us on the coffee table. We both stopped fighting and sat in front of the laptop like kids, who got caught with their hand in chocolate jar. By now Rudra and my hair is all messed up and dirty with all the fighting and we looked like some street rats.

"Dad, see he hit me." I said pointing towards my forehead which has a thin line of scratch.

"Mom, look she punched on my jaw." Rudra complained showing his jaw which is now red. I smiled proudly.

"Rudra, is this the way you behave with elders. She's elder than you, why did you hit her." My dad scolded Rudra while I smirked looking at him.

"And you Gauri, is this how you look after your baby brother, do you remember you are a Mom and CEO of a company." It's my Mom's turn now. "If you are like this, what will you teach to your kid." She scolded and Rudra closed his mouth with his hand giggling. I glared at him.

"Now both say sorry to each other." My dad said.

"But he.. " I said and my mom glared.

"Fine, Sorry." I said to Rudra.

"Fine. I forgive you." He said smugly.

"Ruu.. " My mom said angrily.

"Fine." He said, "Sorry Di."

"Now, where is my little Ved." My mom asked looking around.

"Hey shankerji... I left him in the room alone." I said and ran towards my room. I am a bad mom, it's all because of that stupid Rudra.

When I reached my room, I breathed in relief as my baby was still busy playing with his toys. I took him in my arms and carried him towards the living room.

"Baby, say hi to Grandma and Grandpa." I said waving his hand. He giggled and smiled looking at laptop screen.

"Aww... Mera baccha, he is growing fast." My mom said.

"Mom, you know today he called me, Maa." I said proudly.

"That's great, didn't I told you to give him time. He will speak." My mom said.

"How's your vacation going Dad? " Rudra asked.

"It's good, Ru. We visited places here and people are very hospitable." My dad said, we spoke for a few minutes and then ended the call.

Hey guys... Happy Diwali and Weekend.

Lately I am having a lot of things on my plate, so I may or may not update my stories, till mid- November. So, please keep loving and supporting my stories like always. Have a Happy weekend :)

Spoiler** Revelation ahead ;)

Playful Love (FanFic Version) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora