Bumping Into A Friend

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Amber's P.O.V

My head hurt like hell, felt like it had been smashed off a wall. I woke up to be back in my own room and wondered how I managed to get here.

I jumped out the bed and ran out the back door which led back into the desert. I didn't use my wings this time and teleported as far as possible. I kept walking in the dark, not really knowing where I was treading. I kept walking before bumping into something or should I say someone. I fell to the ground and just kinda sat there. A hand reached out to help me up and I grabbed it. I was pulled up and now stood in front of the person who I couldn't see cause it was dark.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry are you ok?" The person said in a familiar tone but I couldn't put my finger on who it was.

"Yea I'm fine. I'm stronger than I look which you would know if there was any light around here." I answered back.

"Oh right sorry" the boy said as he pulled out a torch. As the light hit his face I instantly knew who it was.

"Toby?" I knew he sounded familiar.

"Amber? Where have you been. I've missed you so much." he said leaning in and hugging me.

I explained what had happened as we walked back to camp. When we got there, we sat down at the fire and just talked about everything.

After a while, I decided it was time to go. I stood up and said bye to Toby but as I tried to walk away, Toby's hand grabbed my wrist.

"No. Please don't leave again. I don't want to miss you anymore." He said with a tear in his eye.

"Toby I have to go. I don't want to put you in danger." I said. I didn't want to leave but I was doing it to protect him.

"At least just stay tonight. Please?" I wasn't to sure about it but I said yes. We sat at the fire for a while before the wind started to pick up. I shivered slightly from the chill but I soon felt a warm set of arms wrap around me. I leant on Toby's chest as we watched the flames of red, yellow and orange.

It wasn't long till I fell asleep but I regretted that decision.


I was living happily in the campsite again, no one was in danger. All was great till Martyn and Toby went missing. Searching everywhere, there was no one left in the world apart from me. I reached the campsite again and everyone was in a pile. All of them dead. I felt a sharp pain in my back...

*End Of Dream*

I woke up screaming, sweating and my heart racing. I was in a bed with Toby in front of me and his arms around my waist. He was holding me close and looked at me, worry covering his face like a mask.

"Amber what's wrong?" He asked. My heart stopped racing as I looked into his eyes which were glistening because of the moonlight.

"I'm ok. I was just having a bad dream." His eyes met mine and he got closer to me. Our faces were nearly touching and soon his lips were on mine, moving in sync to my now slow heartbeat.

He pulled away, smiled and said

"Your safe. Don't worry. I'll protect you". He pulled me closer and I soon fell asleep again. I felt so guilty. I loved Martyn so much but his best friend just kissed me. Did Toby have feelings for me?

I woke up the next day still in Toby's arms. I managed to get up without waking him and went for a walk. I decided it would be better to go back and see Rythian, Zoey, Teep and Robbie.

I arrived back at the sand base and went back in through the back door of my room. I came back in as Zoey entered the room. She ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I was struggling to breathe but she soon released me.

"Oh my. Amber I've missed you. Rythian wondered where you had went. We were worried about you again. Where did you go? Well it doesn't really matter does it your back now and that's what matters. Come on let's go get Rythian so he knows your safe." Zoey managed to say in one breath. She never fails to surprise me sometimes.

We went into the main part of the base and Rythian was sat in his chair writing in his journal. I was dreading this. Rythian always worries about me, it's all he usually does when I'm not within his view. I stood and watched as Zoey went up to Rythian and placed her arms around his neck, seeing what he was writing.

As I stood watching, my legs came out from under me but luckily, the person who had made me fall caught me. Oh my other dearest brother. I looked up at Robbie and he burst out in fits of laughter and dropped me. I got myself up and dusted all the sand dust off of me. I just started to kinda walk away from the main base and back to my room.

As I got to the room, I sat on my bed. I looked to my left to see a small note lying on the pillow of my bed. I lifted it and started to read. As I finish reading, I seen who it was from, Martyn had been here. My stomach filled with the feeling of guilt once more. A flashback to Toby kissing me appeared in my head. The more I thought of it, the more I wanted to scream.

I can't tell Martyn about what happened last night. It would break his heart and he would probably break Toby in multiple places. I did have to find Martyn though.

Toby's P.O.V (Expect this? No you didn't did you :p)

--Slightly back in time to when Toby wakes up--

I woke up, my vision was blurry. I realised something was missing, well someone. Amber must have left this morning. Last night was amazing, just spending time with her then kissing her. I can't tell Martyn about this cause he will destroy me. I love Amber, I can't even say that I don't. I'm upset she decided Martyn over me but it was her decision. Martyn knows I like her but I just have to let him have her.

I made some breakfast on the fire and got dressed. I just went for a stroll when I finally bumped into Martyn. He hadn't been back to camp since they went and took Amber from Ridge. When he spoke to me he sounded sad and was very quiet.

I soon heard a rustling in the trees. I looked up to see nothing there. A dog soon appeared out of nowhere but soon it's owner comes after it with bones on her hand.

"Oh. Hey Guys. Didn't expect to see you two out here." Amber said sounding exhausted. She walked over to Martyn and looked him in the eye. Shit she's not gonna tell him about last night is she? She continued to look him in the eyes and soon Martyn's face came forward and kissed her. I just wished that was me. They spoke for a bit before Martyn asked her a question.

"Amber. I love you with all of my heart and I wondered if you would like to be my girlfriend?" He said to her. She said yes and he kissed her again. This one lasting longer.

I wish I had gotten in there before he did. He may be my best friend but I love Amber. Also how is he only asking her that now? I know he's loved her for longer than that. I just wished it had been me.

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