My new home !

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Amber' P.O.V

( le time skip to two months later )

I woke up as I did everyday. It has been two months since I moved in with Martyn and Toby. I woke up, brushed my hair, got dressed and left my tent. My tent was purple with a enderman face on it.

I walked towards the mines as I could not see Toby or Martyn about, when suddenly I heard something behind me. I drew my bow and waited for what ever it was to show themselves. As I waited I felt a presence behind me.

I turned round to see a man in a white lab coat, blonde hair and goggles. I screamed and then felt something heavy hit my head and that was the last thing I remember before blacking out.

Martyn's P.O.V

We left Amber to sleep that morning as me and Toby went into the mines to search for obsidian. It took us two hours to find some lava an used the water buckets we had to turn it into obsidian.

As we were collecting it, Toby asked me "Do you think Amber is ok by herself?". Really I felt it was a stupid question ""Why wouldn't she be?". We mined all the obsidian and returned to the surface to find that Amber was not in her tent or in the camp.

We searched until Toby found a note in her tent ...

The note read

If you want you precious girl back, bring me ten diamond blocks and I will release her. The only thing is the longer you take, the more likely she will come back "altered". There is a chest at the end of the path I have laid out, leave them there then wait two nights and she will be returned.

There was no name on it so we were not sure who it was.

Toby's P.O.V

Martyn started to panic. Why was he bothering so much over her? We left the camp and went to let the others know since some I them have met her.

We went to Blackrock and told Rythian, Zoey and Teep. We told Nielsy, Lewis, Simon, Sips and Sjin but Duncan was nowhere to be found. She hadn't met Duncan yet because he was always busy.

They all said they would help search for her. We headed back to camp to see the place was trashed. Martyn rushed to the trees that were on fire and put the fire out while I searched to see what evidence I could find.

I walked over to Ambers tent to find that her locket was now on the bed. Why would someone wreck the camp and leave her locket. I showed the locket to Martyn as he gave it to her for her birthday and he left and walked into the forrest. I guess he just needed some time alone.


Hey guys. Chapters are getting longer and can't wait to write the next chapter there will be lots of "surprises" in stall.

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