Toby ?

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Rythian's P.O.V

I stared at him but as I looked, I could see a vision in my head. I had the talents to look through other peoples eyes. I could also hear from far away locations. I could hear a girl scream and I was instantly seeing through her eyes.

What she could see was Duncan as his hands were covered in black liquid. As he took the scalpel toward her, she screamed again and there was more black liquid. I soon realised it was her blood which meant she must have been enderborn.

As I came back to my eyes, I told Zoey I had to go and do something. If she is enderborn, it's my duty as a fellow enderborn to help her. I grabbed my red matter sword and pulled my hood up. I teleported away and ended up infront of Duncan's castle. Soon, Robbie was stood beside me.

We snuck into the castle by using our flying rings. As we set out feet on the ground, alarms started to go off.

"Shit ! Duncan got alarms installed". Before could get away, Duncan was stood in the doorway of his castle with his sword up to the girls neck, but the girls looked familiar. I used my improved vision to get a clearer image. What I seen was the girl from Martyn's campsite, but her hair was long and brown with a blonde streak. It was our sister, it was Amber !

Martyn's P.O.V

I reached the camp to find Simon, Lewis and Toby all sitting around the campfire. I decided to wait until Simon and Lewis left. I didn't want them to find out just now.

It was around two in the morning by the time they left and Toby walked toward my tree house. I had been sitting in my tent for ages so why was he going to my tree house ? I had sharpened a stick so much that, when I touched to point I drew blood.

I placed my stick down and kept the knife on me. I walked toward my tree house but was sneaky. I always left a window open for emergency reasons. I looked through the window and saw Toby. It had been a few weeks since I was up in my tree house. Toby sat crying.

There were lit candles on the table, with a picture in the centre. It took me a second to clearly see the picture, but when I did I nearly started to cry. It was a picture of Amber, and she looked so beautiful. Her eyes were the usual bright, sparkling blue and her skin was glistening in the moonlight.

I started to listen as Toby talked through his sobs.

"Please, Please, Please come back Amber ! I loved you since the day I met you and I wanted to tell you. Please don't be gone !"

I was shocked. I had told Toby I had feelings for Amber but he doesn't tell me he did too ! I felt about for my knife. How could he do this to me. I was about to walk into the tree house when I heard twigs break. I looked down but couldn't see anyone.

I jumped down, sword at the ready as three figures appeared. As the came closer I could make out two of the three faces. One of them was Rythian, the other a boy who looked similar to Rythian. As they entered to camp, I seen Rythian was carrying a girl. She had long brown hair with a blonde streak, exactly like the two boys. They lay her next to the campfire and walked back over to me.

"Martyn, this I my brother Robbie. Robbie, this is my friend Martyn." Rythian said. I didn't know Rythian had a brother, I only knew his sister was missing.

Robbie put his hand out "A pleasure to meet you Martyn." I shook his hand.

"Rythian, shouldn't we be leaving ?" Robbie spoke much quieter this time.

"Leave ? Why are you leaving ?" I said with concern.

"We have to get out of here, all three of us" Rythian said trying to be quiet.

I looked back over toward the fire to see the girl slowly trying to get up. She stumbled around as she tried to find her feet. Robbie went over to her as she put her arm around his shoulder and he lifted her up. They walked back over to where I was standing.

The girl finally spoke up.

"Hey Martyn. I've missed you."

I soon realised the voice.

"Amber ? Is that you ?"

"Yes it is Martyn !"

"Wait a minute Rythian ! You can't just take her away !" I shouted at him.

"I have to protect my sister Martyn !"

I was shocked. She was Rythian's sister, how could she not have told me.

"We are no longer safe here. As soon as Duncan is healed, he will be after all of us. In sorry Martyn but we have to. We have no other choice." Rythian seemed rushed.

"Goodbye Martyn. I will always remember you." Amber said.

"Wait !" I shouted. I took the locket out of my pocket. "Please, take this. It was yours in the first place." I placed the locket around her neck. Robbie put her down and she stumbled toward me.

"Thank You Martyn. I will never forget you."

I pulled her into a hug and I whispered into her ear.

" you Amber." I pulled her lips to mine and kissed her but before I knew it, she was teleported away.

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