xxi //

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(a/n whats 9+10
!! 21 !!
if u havent seen that vine go see it now omg)


aleena scrolled and scrolled and scrolled on her social media feeds, liking mediocre things that had no sense of meaning to it. (a/n like my life)

calum was in the shower, washing the rain from his body. rain still poured down onto the city, getting harder and harder everytime. (a/n like michael when he sees luke !!)

aleena was bored and started taking selfies on calum's iphone, since she didn't know what his password was.

the cold phone suddenly vibrated, making her drop the phone in surprise. she exited out of the camera, showing her the lock screen. the lock screen displayed a text.

leslie-- hey bby. wanna com here again? im alone ;) broom broom

aleena felt her throat constrict her. her chest tightened, making her heart race hard against her ribcage.

her lip quivered as she bit it down, trying to hold back tears. she swallowed down a lump in her throat.

maybe she's just bothering him, she thought, trying to calm herself down. her breath started to slow down as another text came.

leslie-- so bored. pls com ovr. last time u came i had so much fun bby ! ;)

aleena couldn't handle it anymore. she threw his phone onto the couch cushion beside her. tears streamed quickly down her cheeks as she managed to wipe them off. the girl slid down the wall in a corner, hiding herself.

she hid her face in her hands as she slowly brought her knees to her chest. no no no no no, please tell me this isn't real, she thought. fuck, the pain hurts so bad.


calum walked into the bedroom, running his hands through his wet hair. he dried his body and slipped on a sweatshirt and basketball shorts before walking downstairs to the living room.

"hey al-" he cut himself off, seeing aleena curled up in a ball against the wall. he immediately rushed to her, kneeling down to her level.

he wiped her tears, trying to make her calm down. "please stop crying, what's wrong?" he cooed in her ear. she pushed him away and ran to the balcony, shutting the door and sat on the swinging bench they put there.

he knew she wanted to be alone; whenever she ran out there without a word meant she needed her space and time to think. good thing there was a roof to cover her from the rain.

calum sighed, sitting down on the couch. he noticed his phone wasn't on the coffee table, but on the couch right next to him. he grabbed it and checked the messages, slowly figuring out why she was upset.

"fuck." he muttered, pounding away on his phone. he called allie's number, waiting impatiently as his foot tapped furiously on the ground.

anger built up inside him as he waited for her to answer. he felt like punching the wall.

"hello-?" he heard a thick accent ask. why was a boy answering her phone? especially michael? he heard another boy moan come before calum spoke.

"michael? what the hell are you doing in leslie's house?!" he shouted into the device. "i'm a little busy- fuck- right now." michael answered between grunts, trying to stifle a groan, since he just woke up.

"wait, i just called leslie. why did you pick up the phone?" calum shouted.

"i was drunk and accidentally changed the contact names on your phone. sorry about the weird texts- i was bored before luke came home." calum let out a sigh of relief as he hung up

he walked to the balcony and observed that aleena was asleep, her body curled up on the bench as it swayed back and forth. calum closed the sliding door before sitting in the ground in front of her. he pet her hair as the music aleena was playing on her phone was quietly harmonizing with the rain.

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