xiv //

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"hi there, you weirdo. i miss you." calum's voice rang into aleena's ear. she was not able to move or talk, or even see, but she was fine once she knew what was happening.

"today's december 14th, it's been 2 months since you slipped into a horrific thing we call a coma. i miss you so much. i miss your laugh, i miss your cuteness, i miss your terrible hugs, which i always told you they were terrible even though they weren't, and i miss your cute little smile, i miss how you laugh at everything almost every second, i miss-" he sighed. "i miss everything about you aleena. i want you back so bad, it hurts my heart knowing you might not come back. i'd do anything to make you come back, even if it meant having everyone in the world hate me, because i'd rather be hated than seeing you hurt by a single word thrown at you.

in 7th grade, when i first saw you on the first day of school, i saw you alone, texting on your cracked slide phone, listening to music. you had really really really skinny blue jeans and a red sweatshirt with your worn out black converse. those black glasses of yours was in the middle of your nose and the way you hair just fell back, oh my god, i literally said out loud, "wow, she's so cute."

i've never told you- or anyone- this before, but, it took me a matter of time to fall in love with you. any given amount of time could not compare to how much time it took me to fall in love with you.

the first minute, i fell in love with the way you were so independent, so secluded into yourself, i just wanted to hear the thoughts that you've been keeping in that pretty mind of yours.

the second minute, i fell in love with your voice, how is harmonized every sentence and word that came out of your mouth. it was so beautiful, the fluency and ballad of your voice made my heart skip a beat.

the third minute, i fell in love with your intelligence, how you used challenging terminology when you spoke- it interested me so much. i love how you talked nerdy to me." aleena could hear the cheeky smirk in his voice plaster onto his face.

"the fourth minute, i fell in love with your eyes. the deep, dazzling color that shine bright with any mood you displayed, it made me feel so calm, so relieved.

the fifth minute, i fell in love with your emotions. you were sad and lonely, you expressed though with a more deeper sense and meaning. you displayed yourself as fragile and broken, i wanted to be gentle with you. i wanted you to be happy.

the sixth minute, i fell in love with your determination. even if you were a quiet girl, you still believed in completing things with great success and power to overcome fears. thats why i'm telling you all this shit now.

the seventh minute, i fell in love with your body. not in a, 'your boobs are hot and perky' sort of way- but they are- what i mean is that the way your body complements your face, the way it is so petite and thin, made me want to wrap my arms around you, pull you close and just hold you forever, not even letting a speck of dust hurt the slightest bit of you.

the eigth minute, i fell in love with your fears. you feared many things; abandonment, failure, depression, but all you seem to do is fall into what you feared. i wanted to tell you everything is alright, everything will be fine, just listen to the sound of my voice and you will be okay.

(a/n fuck this is really long im kinda wishing i titled the story like one or something lol jk maybe idk goodbye)

the ninth minute, i fell in love with your complexion. the way the pigments of your skin popped out with your eye color, how it easily turned a slight shade of pink everytime i made you smile.

the tenth minute, i fell in love with your features. the way your jawline was perfectly structured, or how your slightest dimples were visible everytime you smiled, or when you crinkled your tiny nose when you laugh, god, you are so beautiful.

the eleventh minute, i fell in love with your dorkyness. i remember when you stood up to use the bathroom, you almost tripped on your way there. i'm sorry, but it was hilarious.

the twelvth (a/n did i spell it right) minute, i fell in love with your touch, how gentle and loving it was, how you didn't want to hurt anyone. you wanted them to feel pleasure and happyness with your touch.

the thirteenth minute, i fell in love with your musical ability, how your singing voice and piano skills were so beautiful, the melody just played on and on into my ears everyday.

the fourteenth minute, i fell in love with how much you really care about people. you may be quiet, but just by your eyes, i can see how much you look at a person, whether it's jealousy or sadness, i know you care about them.

the fifteenth minute, i fell in love with your trust, how you would never tell a lie, and you could always keep secrets to yourself. you never threatened to tell anyone, you always kept a promise.

the sixteenth minute, i fell in love with your personality. your personality was so open to people, it was very unique and special. you love listen to music while reading, you like painting and decorating your room, you were a very creative person, and your heart was set for an art major.

the seventeenth minute, i fell in love with everything. i realized you were so perfect, nothing could compare to you. i learned that i need to keep you safe and happy in order for you to be yourself, because i fell in love with you, and you only.

love is a simple word, but it is structured into itself. there are many things to lead up to love; you can't just love a person so easily. it takes time, not money, or bribery. you can't steal love, but you stole my heart. love is built on your significant other, the one you're made for. love is what i feel.

you taught me so many things aleena, you taught me what the world's like. what's out in the world, what the world contains, what it's relevance is to our lives. i learned how to look deeper into myself, think more about things than just write what i know on a crumpled piece of paper. you have to explain things with your emotions, your feelings, use the senses you have in your body. you even taught me what it's like to be in love.

well, i have to go. i hope i'll see you soon.

i love you aleena."

xxx xxx

that was so long my arm hurts

double update yall owe me


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