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calum walked in the pouring rain with an umbrella, walking back home. he went to ashton's house to hang out a bit, and his car broke down right when be was going back home. great.

he wore a lot of layers that day, since the heater broke at ashton's house, and it was like a meat locker in his home.

he called all of his friends, but they were busy. he even called aleena, but it went straight to voicemail. her phone was off.

his girlfriend leslie didn't pick up either. to be honest, everyone thought she was a bitch. she'd always act all innocent in front of calum, driving everyone crazy.

she was the meanest to michael. she despised his hair, his eyebrow piercing, his lazyness, his pale skin, everything. she crossed the line by calling him an "unwanted faggot", knowing his was gay and in a relationship with luke.

michael almost ripped her head off, but luke and ashton held him back. aleena just glared at her. calum was at the bathroom that time.

calum was so stupid, he didn't realize how much pain his friends were receiving.

he always had a thing for aleena, but he knew she would never like him back, since they are best friends. he went out with leslie just to forget his feelings for her, but they always seemed to stay.

he was so stupid, he didn't realize what leslie was going through. he didnt realize what ALL his friends were going through.

michael and luke struggled with leslie, mostly michael, since her words really absorbed into him. he's starting to find flaws about him, and luke is trying so hard to make him feel perfect. leslie just makes it worse.

ashton was getting stressed from work and school, he couldn't keep up. calum doesn't notice the bags that are hidden under his eyes whenever he sees him.

calum was too stupid to notice anything. but it wasn't his fault. it was leslie's.

she has been dragging him away for stupid things, like picking her up from gymnastics practice just to see her in a sports bra and spandex shorts. he blew off his friends just for that. and it was luke's birthday.

they were all hanging out, and they were waiting for calum to arrive, but never did.

calum kept walking, feeling the rain grow a tad bit softer. he kept walking and saw someone's car parked to the curb, and a person sitting near it on the side.

he looked closely, but it was nighttime, and the street lights didn't help him see through the dark.

it was a girl, and suddenly she began to lie on her back. the face started to look familiar, but calum couldn't quite put his finger on it.

he walked closer, his brain processing, trying to see who it was.

then it hit him.

"aleena!" he shouted, running towards her.

he kneeled down to her level, taking her in his arms.

"please wake up! stay with me!" tears started to form in his eyes.

he called the emergency number for london, telling them to come quick.

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