The two lovers

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One of the loves are true, and sets free all who seek to find it , The other love drowns the world in misunderstanding . Put love in front of the three men, The cave man, The intellectual man, and The spiritual man. The man of the earth will pick the love found in his eyes, so his mind will be blind and he will look ahead, and he will miss out on the love of the all. His bond with all he comes across is like that a baby, and when it becomes time for him to elevate and venture to new hight's, his mind will cry staring at his reflection in the puddle.
He is binded to this world, and his love will not be a treasure to him, but a curse of the ego.

The thinking man will truly love nothing, because when his knowledge of life leads him to learn of the ignorance accepted before him he will become bitter to the world , unless his knowledge be coupled with wisdom. When the Two are one, and the ego is suppressed he will begin to understand the meaning of moments , and when that meaning is crystallized , his thankfulness will overflow.

  Now the spiritual man will come to both love, and understand everything, yet he will not be controlled, nor confined by anything, because like the law, being the total embodiment of the law in its totality, he to is formless like water. You could lock him inside of a cage, and he would smile, knowing where he truly resides within himself, forever eternal.
You could mock him and do evil against him , and because of the wise teaching that all that a man says rests with him forever , he will bless you and smile , being the champion of his world once again. True love is as free as a doves feather floating in the wind , hate is too heavy of a burden to fly, and trust none who say otherwise. The spiritual man will be able to find joy in the journey ahead of him, looking only forwards and never backwards knowing that all must follow.

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