(Poem ) Eleven Twenty Two Thirty Threes

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Hold to this and find yourself unharmed
Fixing your awareness on the inner mechanics .
magic is external , do not bargain like a fool, only a fool would bargain with another's treasures , and the only thing in your persons eligible of the title "created by you", is the "ego" and "personality" which is truly just a set of habitual reactions to the false nature , placed upon nature, it ruins the evolutionary process set forth for the human species, and creates an animalistic void within the nature of the living entity residing within the body, and creates a relentless hunger , that cannot be fulfilled, do not get this confused with, the soul which is independently placed within the veil, beyond the mind space , reflected within this false duality.

Am I god? No " I "am not.
Am I part of god, just as all other manifested energy which is also his? Yes "I am " god.
The all which is all is all but all cannot be the all, that's the real atom.
Who would crucify a man that masters the planet , love by means of the father, other than a man, or men who misunderstand?

The universe is mental, and we dwell in his mind space , and Your goal is to teach the science of the spirit, to continue the natural process known as evolution, and graduate from being a human being to being a living entity.

Never attempt to change the law, nor turn a soul from it, because man cannot find another prize like the wisdom of god therefore enjoy what has been gained by man.
What is believed to be owed to man is owned by the father, and any who seek their reward must pay him threefold , because nothing in life is free, even priceless things generate debt for the soul wether seen or unseen.

  Think, and you will find.
If you think of him you will be remembered, forget him and you Will be forgotten.
Even unfair is fair in the truth that all is change. (Allow me to continue this page , and end it with a poem. )

11/22/33 :By me
"Eleven years of the unknown, mental twists, and turns
Eleven more to the score , forever scorned, and torn , 33 reborn , reformed , and far from the norm
Until you know who you are , you aren't far from harm.
Days to months , the past eats tomorrow ,
The sun is shining , but the love is blinding.
Preach the next step , and then silence till it's taken , opportunity is always~ the will in motion. "

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