9. The ongoing nightmare

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I thought I was slowly going mad.
What the hell was going on? Someone dressed like a clown beat him up, and now Gregory thought he was coming for me. He told me I might knew him, but I don't know any people that dress like clowns.
Then I suddenly remembered something that Arthur said.
He said that he would have a little talk with Gregory. But Arthur would never do something like that, would he?
To exclude that, I decided I would visit Arthur's apartment.

I left my apartment and walked to his door. We literally lived on the same floor.
I hesitated for a few seconds and slowly knocked on his door. Then I started waiting for him to open the door.
But when I waited longer than 4 minutes, I knew he wasn't home.
I leaned against his door and shook my head in disbelief. This couldn't be true. Arthur didn't even seemed to be that strong to beat someone up who was taller than him.
Suddenly I heard someone running out of the elevator.
I turned my head to see who it was, because the person was clearly in a rush.
And then I saw him. It was Arthur.
He had clown makeup on his face, and Gregory told me he got beat up by someone with that kind of makeup on..
Arthur also had some blood on his face, like he had been in a fight.
I slowly backed off when Arthur came closer to me, and he stopped running when he saw me.
"Oh god.. this can't be real..", I whispered to myself.
Arthur looked worried, and he wasn't smiling for once.
"What are you doing at my door?", he asked me.
He seemed different than usual, as if he was ice cold.
"I wanted to check if you were home. I ran out of.. rice."
I quickly had to make up a lie, and I had to say it wasn't the best lie I could think of.
"Well I'm home now. I'll see if I have some rice for you.", he said while opening his door.
I stared at his face covered in makeup and blood while the door opened. It felt like I was having a nightmare and I couldn't wake up.
When he stepped inside he signed me that I could wait inside.
With a little bit of hesitation I entered his dark apartment.

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