Markus took the photo of Clara and Shane. Going over to his cauldron, he grabbed a few ingredients and mixed them in. Finally, he put in the photo. "Spirits of the dead! Magic of the world! I have given you an item of the person I wish to summon! Bring me Shane Facilier!" he said raising his hands some. A dark green cloud of smoke blasted out of the cauldron. Shane appears next to Markus, wearing his mask. Without hesitation, he points his cane at Markus. "What do you want?" he asks sternly. Markus took a step back. "Trust me, I don't want to talk to you either. But I have found out you have information about something I want so here we are," he said rolling his eyes. Shane lowers his cane and sighs. "Fine," he says. "I am sure you know of the takeover. Doubt Clara kept her mouth completely shut. You'll not be happy to hear, but she has gone to her roots. You couldn't keep her a hero for long," Markus laughed. "But that is beside the point, I am looking for a girl named Ayda. I was told you have a connection to her." Shane scoffs and shakes his head, dismissing the information about Clara. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know anyone named Ayda," he says. "Right, that's her Dark Fairy Witch name, here her name would be... right! Adrianna. That's her mortal name. I am looking for a girl named Adrianna and I know you have a connection to her," Markus said. Shane folds his arms. "Yes, I do. What do you want with her?" "She is my cousin apparently. Beng as she is my Aunt Doreen's daughter makes her the heir to the throne of my home dimension. I also know she doesn't have her magic within her. So you are going to bring me here and her magic." Shane furrows his brows. "Why should I do that?" he says, his voice rising. "Because I am willing to make a trade," Markus said crossing his arms. "What kind of trade?" Markus flicked his hand and a live feed of Clara appeared in the cauldron. She was drinking in a bar. Garrett, Anna, and Dawn were there as well but more in the background with her ignoring them, not surprising. "I still can hurt her with a wave of my hand and I can do it to more than just her hand. So here is the trade, you get me the girl and her magic, and Clara doesn't go through agonizing pain," Markus said a cruel smile on his face. "If what you say about Clara is true, if she really is a villain again, I'm afraid that agonizing pain is the least of my worries," says Shane. "No deal." "And if she heard you let her go through that all because of a stupid little girl? Villain or not, she won't be happy with you. It is obvious Facilier, you still care for her! But I won't make you make the decision now. One week, then you can give me your answer," Markus said making the live feed disappear. "While your here, go and see what Clara can do, why don't you? France is much better now in my opinion. I'll send the message out for the other VK's not to bother you. Can't say the same for Clara though." "I am not the one who abandoned their best friend across an entire ocean," Markus said pushing Shane's cane away. "And my mother died when fighting as a dragon, your father died because a frog broke a necklace!" "My father died by my hands! I killed him to help Clara! What happened to him 13 years ago was the result of a broken promise! And I will not make the same mistake!" Shane yells, his voice echoing through the cave. 

   "Can you two shut up?! I am drunk and I have a headache! So shut it!" a familiar female voice came. Clara stood at the entrance of the cave. Her left eye still a deep purple from her black eye and blood coming from her bottom lip. "Bar fight?" Markus asked. "Every time, no one can hold their tongue," Clara said. Turning to Shane. "You with me, now!" "I am..." Markus started. "I don't give a heck! If anyone gets to deal with him, it's me. Back off Markus!" Shane runs over to Clara. He snaps his fingers, healing her of everything. "Six months," he says. "Longest six months of my life!" Clara slapped him. "Come with me! Markus, three o'clock tomorrow." "Got it, where are the other three?" "Anna got hurt, Garrett is beating up the guy and Dawn went with Anna." Markus nodded. 

   Clara grabbed Shane's arm and dragged him away from the cave and kept dragging him through the city. "Before you say anything, I didn't come here on my own," says Shane. "Markus summoned me here." "Shut up, Facilier," Clara said. They soon got to a crowded area of citizens and a few villains kids. "MOVE!" she shouted. Everyone scattered, making room for them. "Clara, what's gotten into you?!" Shane says as he struggles to break free of Clara's grip. Clara rolled her eyes, and grabbed him tighter, "Come on!" after about five more minutes, she shoved him down into a dark alleyway. She went over a trap door, "In!" she half-whispered, half-yelled. Without hesitation, Shane goes through the trap door. 

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