I smiled at Patton, "thank you." I said.

"No problem!" Patton replied, smiling widely and going back to his happy pappy self.

Patton and Logan got into the front seats, Logan in diver and Patton in passenger. I watched from my driveway as Logan started up the truck, the trailer attached to the back.

"Bye uncle Dee!!" The twins called out from the back, waving frantically.

"Bye daddy!" I heard Virgil's smaller voice call out as well.

"Bye kids!" I yelled as well, waving goodbye to them.

I watched the truck drive down the road and slowly disappear in the distance.

Virgil will be fine. I reassured myself.

Logan's POV

I drove down the highway on my way to the campsite. I had managed to find a pretty empty location with very few people around. However, the campsite was quite far away and would take a few hours to get there but I don't mind driving. I found it quite relaxing as years of experience now came naturally and the roads we were taking were pretty empty.

Patton was colouring with different coloured sharpies in his colouring book in the passenger seat beside me. His legs up on the seat despite me telling him that it was unsafe to sit like that in a vehicle but he did it anyway.

(I literally didn't know how to spell vehicle so I looked up "what is a car" on google and now my friend is laughing at me and I feel attacked-)

The kids were in the back watching one of Roman's new Disney princess movies on the DVD player that was on the ceiling. It was comfortably quiet as they watched in awe. Virgil curled up in his purple blanket and snuggling with Xantremous, claiming that he was cold, despite it being in the middle of summer.

(Yeah, its still summer in this book lmao, I have a timeline for events to happen)

The only sounds being the movie playing in the back, which I believe was Aladdin, and Patton's markers against the paper. Occasionally the kids would gasp at an event that happened.

After Aladdin was over, Roman went on a full on rant about how he would have defeated Jafar and freed the Genie right away and still got the princess in the end. After he was done with that, they chose The Lion King and began listening in silence again. Roman and Remus sang along to 'Can't Wait To Be King' having heard the song before.

By the time we got there, Patton had almost fallen asleep in his seat, Remus was asleep and snoring loudly and Roman and Virgil were watching The Little Mermaid intensely.

"We're here!" I stated to everyone, having to yell a bit over the movie as a clearly dramatic scene was happening.

I was guessing it was the scene wear Prince Eric was killing Ursula with the ships mast being impaled into her gut.. Maybe Disney movies were not as innocent as we all assumed them to be...

Patton perked up immediately, any remaining sleepiness gone. He looked out to where our camping location would be with wide and excited eyes. My heart melted and I couldn't help but smile at how excited and cute he was. God, how did I get so lucky?

Pat unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped out without second question. I chuckled to myself before turning to the kids in the back who were now watching the last marriage scene between Ariel and Eric. The kids faces scrunched up in disgust at the kissing, both saying "ewwww" at the same time, as Remus continued snoring off. Remus always seemed to sleep better in a car than at night in his bed.

"Are you two going to stay in here and watch another movie while Patton and I set up the campsite?" I asked.

"I can help!" Roman suggested, always wanting to be helpful.

He and Remus were quite loud and energetic kids. The opposite of Virgil who clearly wanted to stay in the car and just calmly watch a movie instead.

"If you would like to, Roman." I said, a bit reluctant since I knew he wouldn't actually be as much of a help as he said he would be.

"Yay! Come on Virgil!" Roman said excitedly, taking off his seatbelt and beginning to jump out of his car seat.

Virgil shook his head 'no'. Telling Roman that he didn't want to get out.

Roman frowned and seemed to hesitate for a second before sitting back down.

"If you not getting out, I not either!" He decided with a smile.

Virgil smiled though he tried to hide it.

"Okay, what movie do you guys want next?" I asked, looking through the large pile of cases and cases of movies.

Geez, Emile really went over the top.

"Virgil, you choose!" Roman said.

I let Virgil look over the movies and he eventually chose Tangled. I put the movie in, starting it up. I got out and began helping Patton with setting everything up.

I had never been camping before so this was new to me, however it was not like I was completely oblivious to camping activities. I was hoping to get some much needed family bonding since I was away working so often. Perhaps even get to know Virgil better since he was practically a part of the, as Patton calls it, famILY.

Well, this is going to be an.. Interesting experience.




ALRIGHT, SO, Edgy_Space_Prince AND Space_Dragon_Robot HAVE MADE AN ABSOLUTELY AMAZING STORY ON Edgy_Space_Prince ACCOUNT. ITS CALLED 'Dead Royals and Rebels'


At this point I think I've got your attention so I'ma stop screaming at you lmao!

It features Prinxiety, Logicality and Demus in all its Glory!

Roman and Remus are twin princes, Roman being older so heir to the throne, Thomas being their righteous beloved father! Well.. until the little.. incident.. 'what incident?' you say?? Well I guess you'll have to read to find out!
Virgil is a server, Roman's favourite at that. Logan is the royal adviser, Patton is a baker, the best in town, of course! And Deceit (whom no one knows the real name of or how he got his scars.. yet) is the royal sorcerer who despises Roman but thinks Remus is okay........ A little more than okay I guess 😏


Anyway, it's fucking amazing, like TOP NOTCH author shit, something you usually don't see in Wattpad stories, SO GO FUCKING READ IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING READING THIS TRASH?!?! If you don't, I'll take my dagger and go to your house and murder you! Wait.. some of you might like that.. IF YOU DONT YOULL LIVE FOREVER ON THIS HELL HOLE WE CALL EARTH!
That should do it.

Have a nice day and if you made it this far.. I TOLD YOU TO GO READ THE BOOK WTF????


Word Count: 1,858

Date Published: October 21st, 2019

Edited: December 28th, 2019

Date Re-Published: January 16th, 2020

The House Across The Street *COMPLETED*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя