Chapter 11: Let's Get This Show on the Road

Start from the beginning

Ben's PoV:
      The boys and I, and my dad, had been ready and at the church for hours. I'm not quite sure why we got here so early or how... maybe because I was so excited for this. And on the how part...well let's just say I started my day with a 10 mile run and then came back to find all of the guys still asleep. I woke Doug up first and we got ready. Waking up the other guys was easy and hard.
      Jay and Carlos were the hard...and Chad. Jay and Carlos also were the hard part about getting ready since they still weren't to keen on tying a tie. I eventually finished helping them get ready for MY wedding. And here I thought the guys were all supposed to help me and keep me calm. But it's okay, no one was going to be able to calm me anyway.
Here I am now, standing at the alter next to Fairy Godmother. The boys and my father had went to wait for my mom and all the girls. I was starting to get nervous as I watched my subjects, all the loyal Auradonians file in and take their seats as they prepared to watch the wedding of the year. I gotta say though two guests made me a little nervous and shaken up.
One was Maleficent. I was not expecting to see her walk in with the other three main villains... Considering how she really hadn't been the best mom and all. Beside me Fairy Godmother must have sensed my tension. She put her hand on my shoulder in order to calm me. It kinda helped...
The second, and kinda third shocking guest(s) was my big brother... Aiden Maxwell Beast. He had been away at college, Frost University of Arendelle. He wanted no part in running the kingdom or being King. He had only wanted to study history and maybe teach or travel the world. I wasn't sure, either way he was no issue unless he was teasing or mocking me. But, here he was today, WITH A GIRL! And the girl was not Raelyn Eliana Corona, the last person we knew of him dating. He smirked at me and took his seat, with the girl in the first row on my side. The row reserved for family...

Mal's PoV:
I stood behind closed doors in the grand church with Bens parents and all of our friends. All I could think about was the last time I was here for Ben's coronation. Everyone stood next to who they'd walk down the aisle with. I guess I was kinda trying to stall hoping that my thoughts were interrupted with a tap on my shoulder. We all turned around.
All the royals gasped at the sight before us. It was my dad. Now I was definitely crying and it was okay. "Hi daddy.." I hugged him tightly. Until Evie pulled me away warning me not to ruin my makeup, hair, or dress. "Hi princess. Ya ready?" I nodded and everyone got in line. I heard the music start as I took a deep breath.
Belle and Adam walked in first with their arms linked. Next was Arabella and Parker. Followed by Charlotte and Ethan. Then went Uma and Chad I heard Gill inside as he yelled hi to his friend. Everyone laughed, I'm sure Evie rolled her eyes. Next down the aisle was Audrey and Harry (thanks to some weird switch they planned a few days ago), then Jane and Carlos, then Lonnie and Jay. Lastly was Evie and Doug. My dad and I stood off to the side so that no one would see me yet.
As the music changed I knew it was my turn. Hades and I positioned ourselves in front of the double doors and prepared to make our entrance. When the doors opened everyone slightly gasped but calmed down. It was a short lived reaction after my announcement at the taking down of the barrier. But, all I could see or focus on was Ben at the end of the aisle. He looked more handsome than the day I first met him. I was the luckiest girl in all of Auradon.

Ben's PoV:
I had definitely been confused when I saw both of my parents walking down the aisle since I thought my dad was escorting Mal. But, everything made more sense when the doors opened and I saw her with Hades. Sure I was scared to hell of him, lol hell the underworld...gulp, but it made me smile to know that Mal had her real dad by her side.
Speaking of Mal, I for sure dropped to my knees when I saw her. I know because Doug and Jay has to help stand me up. I stood there crying, trying to cover my face but still wanting to watch Mal glide towards me. She was truly a vision in white and purple.
After what seemed like forever she finally reached me. She only stared at me and smiled. As Hades places her hand in mine I watched him. He gave me the whole 'I'm watching you' dad move before going to sit next to Maleficent...awkward! I took Mal and lead her up to Fairy Godmother. She handed Evie her bouquet and took both of my hands in hers...

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