Pressure! Violet City Contest!

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"Hello and welcome to the Violet City contest!" Jillian cheered loudly as music chorused in the background, all the cameras on her. The stadium was slightly larger than Cherrygrove's and definitely more exciting.

"On the judge panel we have Mr Contesta, Mr Sukizo and Violet City's own resident Nurse Joy!" Jillian chirped, gesturing dramatically to each judge it turn. I bit my lip, trying to hold back my jumbling nerves.

I was sitting at the vanity, doing my hair to get it just right. I hadn't gone out into the waiting room yet, like the other girls this time. I knew my routine, seals and everything to make it perfect. It was on my side, seeing as it was done alphabetically and I'd be after Drew.

I looked down at my beautiful white dress, not being able to resist the temptation of jumping up and twirling as the dress lifted outwards as I span, dancing all around the room as I laughed. That was the spirit!

I had my hair up in a great high ponytail, adorned with clips and fashioned with a Premier ball brooch slightly to the right of the middle of my hairstyle. I had on my best white shoes and a silver charm bracelet.

I honestly couldn't stop myself from asking a kind looking girl to borrow at but of her make-up, seeing as every single other girl in the room had some on, and put on eyeliner as well as my own Chapstick. It wasn't much but it would do nicely.

I topped it off by taking something out of my jacket pocket, which lay on the back of a chair by the vanity. I held up my most prized possession to the light and smiled in glee, my real luck charm. I hugged the object before clipping it to the ribbon which I used as a belt, on my left side. Perfect.

I confidently stepped out of the room and walked over to stand next to Drew, who was in his new simple attire, as we both watched Jillian finish her speech. He turned to me, suddenly wide eyed, and didn't both to hide the faint blush that swept over his cheeks then.

"Wow." Drew said after a long pause, I grabbed the hem of my dress, swaying it as I did a mini dance, happy with my choice of the day clothes wise.

"You think I look good?" I grinned cheekily, not able to hold my excitement any longer. "Cool!" I did a little twirl before returning my arms to their sides.

"Yeah, I guess..." Drew admitted embarrassingly. I brushed it off. I was feeling too good to care what anybody else thought, good or bad! I was going to win this contest, that was for sure!

"Huh?" I looked up at the screen, seeing the list of appeals and times that spectators didn't get to see on their screens. My name was second, before Drew. How unconventional!

"What?" Drew asked confusedly, staring at the screen. I rolled my eyes, smiling. Drew was turning into Ash, right before my eyes!

"I'm second, stupid!" I exclaimed happily. "You're not first." He shrugged, looking at me as he shoved his hands in his pockets.


"So? In any contest we've ever both been in, you've always gone before me. It's done alphabetically!" I laughed heartily as Drew massaged his temples, sighing.

"Anyway, I'm up!" I announced, standing up from the seat I couldn't remember taking as I jived out of the room.

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"Eevee, take the stage!" I cheered bravely, twirling before pointing in front of me as I threw the Pokéball in the air. Showers of stars rained around us as I commanded Eevee.

"Use Iron Tail!" Eevee jumped up, doing a somersault in the air before perfecting Iron Tail, cutting all the stars in half. Eevee landed in a ballet pose and I continued.

"Secret Power!" Eevee had recently learnt this move in the forest, when I'd almost been attacked by some wild Pokémon. It seemed to be the way my Pokémon always learnt new moves.

The half stars flurried in a tornado spiralling upwards until they formed one big star. I nodded, Eevee had executed the move well. Brilliantly.

"Now! Use Shadow Ball!" Eevee produced a glimmering ball of darkness which soured straight through the middle of the star, causing a giant hole to appear in its middle.

"Jump!" Eevee jumped through the star like it was a hoop, using its agility skill which we worked on. "Dig!" Eevee burrowed a tunnel straight into the middle underneath the star.

"Let's finish it up! Secret Shadow Power!" I called the name of the combination which I'd created myself. Eevee used shadow ball whilst spinning to create a tornado effect, blasting up through the surface to destroy the star. Then, it used Secret Power on that to form a fine glitter which glazed Eevee's coat as it sparkled, landing in front of me.

I curtseyed whilst Eevee bowed, Jillian smiling brightly at me and my Pokémon. I crouched down, ruffling Eevee's fur and whispering my thanks before returning it. I couldn't stand Eevee watching if they critiqued us again.

"Now to hear comments from our judges!" Jillian spoke with suspense, looking intently at the panel as they kept poker faces.

"Such beauty and perfection, simply divine." Mr Contesta remarked.

"Yes, remarkable!"

"Your Eevee seems to have the balance between work and play, which shines through in its appearance." Nurse Joy finished.

I nodded, grinning, before running backstage, fumbling to put away Eevee's Pokéball as I ran. I couldn't contain myself any longer, running and jumping into Drew's arms, him lifting me into the air as he spun around and I laughed.

My dad always used to do that with Max and I, but my mum was never strong enough. I loved it, it reminded me of home and family and peace.

"I did it!" I shouted as Drew carefully placed me down, bubbling with bliss. I didn't mess up one bit! It was flawless. Nothing could go wrong!

"I saw you out there, you've got your moxie back, May." He said seriously and I playfully punched him in the arm.

"Why so serious?" I joked. "Lighten up a little, it's all a bit of fun!" I ran off giggling in to the girls rooms for no reason and stayed there until it was Drew's turn.

"I hope he does as well as I did!"

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