First Battle! Drew VS Harley!

180 17 3

I looked up at the screen. Drew's face appeared, and after that Harley's. I scourged the whole board thrice for my face. Nothing. Nobody who remotely looked like me, let alone the picture from my contest pass.

"What?" I screamed, and Drew turned to me. Horror and sadness gleamed in his emerald green eyes. I hugged him, feeling the tears slip out of my eyes, landing on his clothes.

"I'm sorry, May. So sorry." He patted my head softly. I didn't care how awkward he seemed being hugged, or the fact that he couldn't seem to say anything to cheer me up. I was in someone's arms and that was all I needed.

"How? This is my first time since... I can't remember!" I roared, sobbing into his chest. I couldn't believe it. I embark on a journey to find myself and I'm met with a loss?

"It's gonna be okay though, May, because you'll pick yourself back up." Drew replied, smiling down at me. I looked up to meet his gaze.

"Not always. Remember - after the Kanto Grand Festival - you had to battle me to get me back on my feet. You won." I chuckled a bit at that, causing me to cry more.

"But I still lost to you at the Kanto Festival," Drew reminded me. "that's why I'm here with you right now. Right?" He grinned at me. Luckily his battle wasn't first, but it wasn't last either, so I'd have to break away at some point.

"But that isn't worth anything any more; you beat me again after that!" I cried, breaking away from him. My voice suddenly dropped to a deadly quiet and calm tone. "I'll go watch from the stands."

"May!" He called after me, but I was running and I was faster than him. I sat down in the stands and slumped against the railing in front of me, still crying. We were leaving right after the contest from this messed up city.

I remembered my promise to Cyndaquil, and rubbed my eyes. I released Cyndaquil and set it in my lap, hugging it whilst we watched the battles unfold.

Soon it was the final. Drew had battled it to the top. I wasn't following who else was in the final, it didn't really matter to me. I just wanted to get out of here.

"Drew on the left and Harley on the right!" Jillian announced, arms spread wide. What? Harley? When did Harley actually get good at coordinating? Drew would beat him before the four minute mark.

"You have five minutes on the clock for the Cherry Ribbon! Let's go!" Jillian cheered, and the first second dropped on the clock.



The two coordinators cheered simultaneously. Cacturne was surrounded by white needles as it was released, but Drew didn't use a seal.

"Bullet Seed!" Harley started, ordering Cacturne. Drew's points dropped as the seeds flew towards Flygon.

"Flamethrower!" Drew shouted as fire shot out of Flygon's mouth, destroying the seeds. Harley's points dropped. The flamethrower also hit Cacturne, causing damage and more of Harley's points to drop.

"Pin Missile!" Harley said, and the missiles got in close, causing Drew point damage. Drew smirked, causing Harley's eyes to widen.

"Steel Wing." He said simply as Flygon's wing glowed, turning its body. The missiles hit Flygon's wing, destroying them except for a few, which rebounded, hitting Cacturne and causing major point damage.

"Catch them, Cacturne!" Drew's eyes widened as Cacturne caught the missiles, sending them back at Drew's Flygon, causing point damage to Drew.

"Dodge!" Drew shouted, but, due to its size, Flygon wasn't very fast, causing it to be hit. This caused Drew point damage.

"Dragon Breath! Followed by Flamethrower!" Drew tried a new combination, causing the white glow of Dragon Breath to be outlined in orange by Flamethrower. Harley's points dropped.

"Nice try, darling. But Cacturne, Needle Arm. Thanks for that one, Drewy!" He cooed as Cacturne absorbed the energy from the powerful combination. Drew tried to regain his calm but it wasn't working. Drew's points dropped dramatically.

"Flygon! Sandstorm! Wide use!" Flygon turned its head, causing a sandstorm to brew over the arena. People shielded their eyes. Both coordinator's points dropped.

"Poison Sting!" Cacturne sent a purple sting flying. Drew smirked, even though his points dropped slightly.

"Fusion!" Flygon used Dragon Breath, which fused with Poison Sting to make a purple breath, heading straight for Cacturne. Harley's points dropped.

"Dodge!" Cacturne managed to barely dodge the fusion move, causing damage to its health. It was poisoned, and the sandstorm still blocked view.

"Both points equal, and at the one minute mark!" Jillian managed to comment, trying to see the score board through the sandstorm.

"Cacturne! Constantly use Bullet Seed until Sandstorm wears off!" Both trainer and Pokémon nodded to each other and Cacturne used Bullet Seed, causing Drew's points to drop.

"Steel Wing! Absorb the energy, you'll need it!" Drew shouted, still shielding his eyes from the sandstorm. As told, Flygon absorbed all the energy and didn't attack, causing both coordinator's points to drop.

"He's going to use the greatest move he's got!" I said, eyes wide. That wasn't like Drew at all. He usually played his opponent!

"Now!" Drew shouted. Flygon used Flamethrower. At that very same moment, Harley smiled.

"You too, Cacturne. A big exit." He grinned as Cacturne used a great Pin Missile.

The attacks collided, forming a massive explosion. The smoke was clearing, but nobody could see the score board? Who had won?

"Come on, Drew!" I shouted with all my might, hoping.

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