There's No 'I' In Team Breeze!

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Catallia City. Here, the Officer Jennys all use Spinarak instead of Growlithe. We were spending the night at the Pokémon centre as it was too dark to continue by the time I'd gotten directions.

Officer Jenny was at the front desk talking to Nurse Joy when we got there. I instantly thought of Brock and how he would've loved to see both of them in one place! Who was doing Max's job now?

"So I heard that it was done by this team called Team Breeze, and - " Officer Jenny said to Nurse Joy.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but can we have a room for the night?" I asked politely. Nurse Joy nodded, going into the back room to get the keys.

"Heyo kids, how's it going!" Officer Jenny turned to us. "Have you heard of them?" Drew and I looked at each other.

"Who?" We said simultaneously. What was she talking about? Nurse Joy came back with the key, giving it to me and pointing in the direction of our room.

"Well, the crooks who steal Pokémon right out there on the street! It's said that it could only be a distraction from their real plan. They're called Team Breeze." I rolled my eyes.

"Another villainous team? I've already been through this with Team Rocket, Team Aqua and Team Magma. I don't need another distraction from my contests." I turned away.

"Okay, it's your choice. But don't blame me for wanting help from a girl like you, who's thwarted three of these organisations!"

The next morning, Drew and I were set to leave. The route was right ahead. But we couldn't leave, because people were running around screaming and getting in our way.

Officer Jenny burst through the doors of the Police Station and rode down the street at top speed. I looked the other way as the breeze left behind tickled my hair, letting it fly in the wind as she passed. I watched her drive off.

"Okay. I live for this sort of thing." I admitted, sighing heavily. "Guess I'm getting back into it! Let's go!" Drew and I ran after the motorcycle and Officer Jenny, finding ourselves retracing our steps.

Soon we burst through the doors of the Pokémon centre. Tyre tracks stopped by the front desk, where Officer Jenny's motorcycle was. Apart from that, the place was empty and silent.

A newspaper tumbled across the ground in front of us from the breeze we created in opening the door. Nobody was there. No Nurse Joy or Chansey. No Officer Jenny.

"Hi?" I called awkwardly, taking a few steps into the Pokémon centre. I'd saved the day a few times before, when I was with Ash, but I couldn't if there wasn't anything to save.

"Maybe we should go back, there's nothing here." Drew said, flicking his hair and putting his hands in his pockets.

"Okay, you stay here. If anybody comes along, you battle them, alright? I'm going into the corridors. For all we know, they could've trapped Officer Jenny!" I started to walk off.

"May, surely I should come with - " Drew said, speechless. I rolled my eyes, not turning back when I answered him.

"You scared or something? Wait there, Hayden." I suddenly sprinted off, checking the corridors. Turn after turn, nothing. Until I found I was lost. I turned the corridor again.

I saw two silhouettes walking towards the back entrance. My hands immediately fumbled in my fanny pack for my Pokéballs.

"Who are you?" I shouted, looking at them as I ran towards the exit. I still couldn't see them clearly.

"You don't need to know, kid." One of them spoke as they managed to bees open the door. I kept running but they were too fast, and I couldn't even see their faces.

"Come back!" I shouted, waving my arms as they got into their getaway vehicle. It was a black car that sped off down the road. I'd lost them.

"Who were they..." I wondered aloud. I turned around after hearing running. It was Drew and Officer Jenny!

"Did you see them?" Officer Jenny demanded. "They got away with all of the Pokémon centre's empty Pokéballs!"

"You're lucky they were empty." I scolded. "I hardly got a glimpse of them. They were out of here in a flash, in a black car." I shrugged. There was nothing more spoken on the matter.

Who were they? I turned back, looking into the distance down the road. Team Breeze, I'd definitely keep an eye out for that name.

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"Team Breeze, huh." Drew mentioned as we walked down the route again. We'd been delayed again, and were pushing it time wise to get to Cherrygrove City for the contest there.

"Yeah, sounds a lot like Team Rocket to me." I thought aloud as we walked side by side. Drew smiled at me, like I was missing something.

"But Officer Jenny said it was just a distraction for something bigger they were plotting. I mean - who would need a whole Pokémon centre's worth of empty Pokéballs?" Drew argued.

"I don't know, all I do know is that if I see them again, they're in for one heck of a thwarting!" I laughed along with Drew.

"Crap!" He yelled. I looked at him strangely, I'd never heard him swear before and it just didn't sound right. "There's another town, and it sure as hell doesn't look like Cherrygrove City."

"We don't have time for this!" I agreed. "We'll miss the contest!" We both looked at each other and laughed.

"I guess we just attract distractions." We stated together, nodding on that one.

"Look! It has a beach! We have to stay the night. Come on, we've been walking for ages now."

"Palm Hills." Drew read the sign. "Why not?" I grinned at him and ran ahead. I couldn't wait to get on the beach after so long!

"Race you there!" I called over my shoulder. I suddenly heard a Pokémon being released and looked back to see Drew running next to Flygon, and then jumping in its back! "Oh, this is so on!" I shouted.

Drew flew overhead on Flygon, and I couldn't match the pace. Drew and Flygon beat me there. I sighed, feeling like a sore loser.

"Next time, no Pokémon, okay? I haven't got a flying one." I pouted and Drew nodded sincerely. I was breathing heavily.

"Time for another adventure!"

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