Better Late Than Never!

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"Phew." I whispered under my breath, relieved to end the video call with Ash. I was getting worried that he would find out about my sort of crush on him, especially now that he wasn't an airhead when it comes to relationships.

I could imagine Ash saying What? I wouldn't get crushed by you anyway, May, unless you ate a lot, you're too skinny! and smiled. Ash was too oblivious for his own good sometimes. I guess Misty got annoyed with him not understanding her a lot.

I thought of the present Misty recently sent Ash. Her lure, for fishing. Ash had told me the story of how he met Misty, of course. He'd told me a lot of stories. Misty warned me that Ash would eventually lose contact with me, as he did with her, but I was determined to make sure that didn't happen.

I thought of reuniting again with Ash, in a different region, sometime in the future. He'd be even more grown up then, perhaps even more than I. I sighed, heavily. When was Drew going to reappear? I missed him lots.

"Drew." I spoke sadly, burying my head in my knees as I sat, arms hugging each other in front of me. I wasn't moving from the Boulder anytime soon, not until I had Drew back.

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"What?" I heard a voice but didn't bother sitting up. Why should I? "May, is that you?" All prior thoughts rushed out of my head as it snapped up on hearing my name. All previous emotions left me as I saw him.

"Drew! Drew I'm so sorry! I missed you!" It all came out at once as I leaped high into the air, my hands landing on Drew's shoulders as he awkwardly wrapped an arm around me to steady me.

"Uh... hey? I was gone for a day or two, not a lifetime, May. We've been apart for longer." He reminded me, raising an eyebrow as he set me down on the ground.

"But I haven't been apart from other people on the whole like that for so long!" I reminded him, scolding him for not realising what he'd done. Drew simply rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Let's get going. I thought you didn't have a PokéNav?" Drew asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I was going to get one at the next town if you didn't come back." I said. I noticed something glint in Drew's eyes when thought of him and I not being together like this was put in his mind.

"Come on, May, I may be mean but I'm not that mean." He stated, shoving his hands in his pockets. Was he withdrawing from me?

"Yeah, I guess." I admitted, shrugging. The next town came into sight over the next few hills. It seemed to be on the horizon.

"Race you there! No Pokémon this time!" I shouted, running ahead of Drew. He smiled, saying something I didn't quite catch.

I ran straight ahead of Drew all the way there and beat him by a landslide. He stopped, panting for breath at the town, whereas I was leaning against a wall coolly, with my arms folded over my chest.

"You can't win without Flygon! One day I'll be faster than Flygon too, then we'll see!" I chorused, spinning on my heel and walking into town, Drew trotting beside me.

"Look, there's a PokéMart!" I called. No wonder it was called Big Town, it had everything store wise! I dragged Drew into the PokéMart. "Go. Buy stuff." I pushed him away from me playfully.

I ran to the contest shelf and bought a Ball Capsule for every Pokémon currently in my Johto team, including Cyndaquil, plus one extra, and various seals.

I also got some Potions, an Antidote, Paralyze Heal, and an Escape Rope. That would do for now, supplies wise. Drew also got some food, and I got the Pokémon food and some berries to make Poffins.

"Let's go!" I shouted after paying, dragging Drew around whilst we shopped. We eventually got to a clothes store dedicated to contests.

"Choose something nice, I'll tell you if it looks good." I winked, showing Drew to the men's area of the shop. He quirked an eyebrow but sorted through the clothes line anyway.

"Give me a call when you find something!" I shouted over my shoulder, running to the lady's area. I scourged for that perfect outfit for a while before hearing Drew shout.

I ran over and stopped in my tracks. Drew was wearing a simple outfit but I'd never seen him look so formal. He was wearing a white button-up shirt and cream loafers, along with black skinny jeans. None of it really fit together at all, but he looked great in it somehow.

"Take it." I smiled, giving the nod of approval before Drew went back to change. I ran back over to my section, and I found about four outfits to go try on before Drew could complain and stuffed them in the changing rooms.

The first one I tried on was a very formal one. It was completely black and reached just above my mid-thigh. It was a tank dress and the straps were floral black lace. I paired it with simple black shoes. I'd wear it in the grand festival.

The second one I tried was more flexible. It was Arabian and extremely pretty, adorned with beautiful jewels. I'd wear it for important contests, like the Wallace Cup, which I was thinking of attending at some point if I got more interested.

The third one I tried on was more casual. It was a red maxi dress, along with black ankle boots. I really liked it and I was thinking of wearing it to most contests.

The final outfit I tried on was similar to the last. It was a white mini dress along with white shoes that I'd wear to the other contests, to mix it up a little. I'd buy all four outfits. A little retail therapy didn't kill anyone!

I had second thoughts on the black dress, which happened to be the shortest, seeing as I hated short dresses, and wanted Drew's opinion. I stepped out of the changing rooms.

"Can I have your opinion on this one?" I said shyly, undoing my bandana as it fell to the floor. Drew looked up from his PokéNav and looked me up and down whilst I waited expectantly, finding my cheeks heating in embarrassment.

"Alright." Drew said, burying his face in his PokéNav. I sighed sadly, I'd have to buy it anyway. It was too pretty not to! It was a bit disappointing that Drew didn't like it though. It's always nice to have a friend's opinion.

I decided to buy one last thing in Big Town before I went. Seeing as Johto had a bit of a wet climate, I wasn't suspecting so many beaches, and therefore I needed more swimwear. I wasn't so sure whether Drew wanted to come along on this one or not. I decided to say it to him straight.

I paid for my clothes and put them in my backpack that seemed to have limitless space sometimes. I turned to Drew anxiously.

"Drew, I've got one more thing to do, would you like to come?" He looked up again from his PokéNav.

"What is it?" He asked suspiciously. I giggled, turning as red as a tomato. I didn't know what to say!

"Well, I've got to go try on some things... for when we go to the beach?" I said, almost doubting myself. Drew looked away.

"Fine, but I'll just be waiting inside. N - Not giving... opinions or anything." He hastily covered his tracks and I nodded in agreement.


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I had to choose between a pink bikini, like the one which I wore in the hot springs of Rota, or a yellow Tankini, like I used to wear early on with Ash. Pink or yellow?

I decided I liked the pink one better, and bought that instead. I never intended to leave the changing rooms not fully clothed.

However I forgot the part where you changed back before paying, and managed to come out in the pink one instead, attracting the attention of an uninterested Drew.

"May, go change." He dismissed, sticking his nose back down to his PokéNav. I rolled my eyes, realising my mistake, and changed back before paying.

I wasn't stupid. I realised Drew was covering his blush under the PokéNav and I wasn't surprised. I used to do things like that all the time with him and Ash before I decided I didn't care if they saw or not.

"Drew, stop covering up your blush. I know already." I called from the changing rooms when I was changing back. I never got a reply.

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