"Open up."

I eye the cardboard before prying it open and a tiny pair of skates falls into my lap. Tied to one of the shoes' laces is a small piece of paper.
'I thought we agreed on no more kids ;)'

My lips part into a smile as I realize what this means. Yuffie laughs when I pull her into a tight hug.

"We did, didn't we?" She defends. I just chuckle and shake my head.

"How long have you known?"

"Since they told me at the Shinra hospital," she admits.

"So about half a week ago?"


"Does that mean you're two-ish months along and you didn't know?" I laugh.

"Sorry to offend you with my obliviousness," she grins.

"Well at least it's good news," I shake my head. "I can't believe we even tried and you were already pregnant. I feel so stupid."

"Hey, I didn't mind," she winks and stands. Then I remember Shera.

"Hang on, does Shera know?"

"And Tifa and Cid. Why?"

"Hey, I don't mind that you told the girls, but Cid's just not fair."

"Shera told him," she shrugs. I nod and smile again, standing and hugging her thin body to mine.

"Well at least start eating more."

"But I don't get hungry," she whines.

"But she might," I defend, tapping her stomach.

"He," she crosses her arms.


"Last time we had this argument, it was both," she points out and I laugh.


We walk out into the cockpit where Cid is miserably at the wheel with a blanket hugging his shoulders.

"Hate freaking needles," he mutters when we pass.

"We know, Gramps," I tease.

"Why're you in such a good mood?" He raises an eyebrow.

"He knows," Yuffie rolls her eyes and the pilot sighs.

"Great. Now we get Daddy Strife all over again.

"Daddy who what?" Barret frowns.

"Strife?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I get the feeling that..." He trails off, eyeing Yuffie.

"Yup!" She grins, putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh geeze," Barret shakes his head.

"Well my kid's gonna be smarter," Cid smirks, lighting a cigarette. "He's got rocket scientists for parents."

"He won't be if you keep smoking," Shera stamps out another one of his cigarettes. I can't imagine how annoying that must be.

"She's got a point," Yuffie nods. Then she yells "Now we're all waiting for the Valentines to catch the disease!"

"Huh?" Tifa frowns.

"I already have a disease," Vince looks back at his shoulder.

"Not for long. We're headin for Midgar," Cid shakes his head.

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