Chapter 21: Graduations and Deals Kept

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I told my parents everything that happened so far. Mainly, most of this story I had written and told you all. I left out the part about Zelda writing that second book about Madi and Nicole making a mini deal with her. They were shocked about some parts, proud about a few, and a bit of tears shed from my parents at the emotional parts.

I then dropped the bombshell on them, about my deal with Madi and how I failed to beat her at her own game. "Can't we do anything to change her mind?" My mom asked me, only for me to shake my head. "Even if you tried, she has my name on a contract. That deal was the only way to get out of it and I failed." I said.

"Well, I'll change her mind then!" My dad said in anger. "No, please don't. I don't want anything to happen to you guys too." I said. "But Aaron." My dad began to say. "No, dad. I messed up and now I need to own up to my mistakes." I said.

"Plus, I made some conditions for her to follow. I promise, I'll be fine. I just wanted to tell you that for when she decides to take me soon. And for you to tell them about their older bro." I said, looking at my mother's stomach, where no doubt my unborn sibs were in her womb. "Okay, we trust your decision. Just know we're always proud of you, no matter what." My mom said as I hugged my parents. "And you can always contact us too." My dad whispered.

Soon I was back in Warlock Academy and like Enchantra said, Alex gave me a stern talking to. I also had to do a lot of make-up work for a few weeks which caused a couple of sleepless nights. But I managed to get all caught up along with my classmates, who began to spread rumors about me. I don't care, I was okay the way I am. I also knew I wouldn't get the Golden Wand at the end of the year. Or so I thought.

After five months, it was May, and the day of graduations, which is a hour and a half before the one at Witch Academy. Which leaves us enough time to get done with this and see Sabrina's graduation. At least I could hopefully. During that time, a small part of me hoped that Madi had forgotten about our deal, or at least let me off the hook. However, I know she was biding her time, planning to show up on this day. Anyways, we were lined up in rows of chairs, wearing our gray robes and purple hats.

I looked behind me and saw my parents, along with my little twin siblings, a boy and a girl, and Hilda, Zelda and Salem, who sat next to them. Hilda, Zelda and Salem thought to come to my graduation first before we made the trip to Sabrina and Nicole's graduations. I waved to them and they waved back to me before taking their seats.

The doctors were right about my little sibs, though, they were born healthy. Plus those two are half warlock/witch, half Saiyan. 

Alex began speaking so I turned around to face him, along with everyone else.

"I would like to thank all relatives, guardians, and friends of our young graduates for gathering here today to witness this joyous occasion. As you know, these students came here to learn the how to control their magic abilities and they will leave with the knowledge imparted onto them. Before these young warlocks graduate, though, I think it's time to reveal who earned the Golden Wand." Alex said as he pulled it from the podium in front of him.

"The Golden Wand, for being all a warlock can be and more, for showing so much compassion toward friends and would do anything for them, goes to Aaron Dimension!" Alex announced, causing everyone to cheer while I sat there, shocked that my jaw could had dropped to the ground. Did he say I won the Golden Wand? "Me?" I asked, as a couple of my classmates, even the one who delivered the letters, nodded their heads.

"Good job, Aaron!" Salem said, giving me a thumbs-up and a wink. Yep, totally best friends now. Going to miss talking to him often when Madi claims me. I gave him a wink back before levitating to the stage. It just like I told Cassandra, it doesn't matter if the person is a halfling or a full magical person, it's their potential that matters. I landed in front of Alex and gave him a bow.

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