"Oh, that's smart," he said.

We finished getting ready and Frank got us into the car after he got dressed. Patrick and I sat in the backseat as he dug through his little Care Bear backpack.

"Lookie, Gee, Joe let me get lip gloss the other day," he said.

He held out the pink strawberry lip gloss and I giggled.

"Can I put some on?" i asked.

Patrick nodded and let me put some on. He put it on for himself too and giggled.

"Daddy! Daddy! Do I look pretty?" I asked.

Frank looked back and smiled.

"Very, very pretty," he said.

I giggled happily as we got to the store.

I held both their hands, the three of us walking around together. He grabbed egg dyeing kits and a tub of vinegar.

"You can each get one piece of candy," he said.

I gasped and we both ran to the candy aisle. We picked out candy, giggling happily as we held hands. I stopped when we got to the makeup and Patrick looked at me curiously.

"I think Daddy likes it when I wear makeup, he seemed to really like it when Jamia did my makeup and he seems to like my lipgloss," I said. "Maybe I should get my own makeup too. I'm gonna pick some out and then ask Daddy."

I picked out some pretty colored eye shadows as well as some lipgloss. We found Daddy by the eggs and I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Daddy, can I pwetty pwease get an ittle little bit of makeup?" I asked.

Frank looked at it and sighed before nodding. I put it into the little cart and smiled. We paid for everything and went home to set everything up.

"I want you kittens to be very careful," he said. "This stuff can stain your clothes so you need to make sure not to spill it, understand?"

"Yes, Daddy," I said.

"I have to boil the eggs but you two can start making the dyes," Frank said.

We got little containers and made the dyes, following the instructions meticulously. We didn't wanna mess up and have no more due to dye with.

"Alright, why don't you go clean up the things from inside the tent while we wait," he suggested.

We nodded and took off our headbands. We went outside, dragging in all the blankets and pillows and stuffies.

"Let's play pirates while we're waiting!" Patrick suggested.

We ran to the playground and climbed on happily.

"I wanna drive the ship!" Patrick exclaimed, running to the steering wheel.

I went to the telescope and looked around.

"The bay is all clear," I said.

I turned the telescope and gasped when I saw Frank walking towards us.

"The sea monster is coming!" I shouted.

Frank smiled, reaching up to grab my leg.

"No! The sea monster's got me!" I shrieked.

Frank pulled me down, tickling me as I laughed. He made chomping sounds, pretending to eat me. He set me on the ground and climbed up onto the playset.

"No! He's coming for me now!" Patrick shouted.

Frank grabbed Patrick, pulling him down the slide with him as I giggled. The two fell to the ground together and Frank tickled him. Patrick kicked his legs as he laughed.

"Alright, little Kitties, it's time to dye the eggs," he said.

"Carry me?" I asked.

Frank picked me up and I giggled.

"Me too!" Patrick exclaimed.

"Jesus, Okay, you can get a piggy back ride," Frank said.

Patrick clung onto Frank's back and he held me in his arms.

"I won't even have to go to the gym after this," Frank said.

I giggled happily as we got inside and Frank set us down.

"Okay, time to dye the eggs," he said.

We ran to the kitchen and saw the big bowl of eggs. We laughed happily as we soaked the eggs in all sorts of colors. Our hands were dyed from the colors by the time we finished and we were both giggling happily as Frank put the eggs back into the fridge.

There was a knock on the door and Frank opened it. A man dropped off a package and I looked at the box curiously.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's just a bookshelf," he said.

Frank started building the shelf and I gasped when I saw the big, empty box. I climbed inside of it and purred happily. Patrick climbed in quickly with me and we cuddled up together in the box. It was a little cramped with the both of us in here but we were both so happy.

"What are you two doing?" Frank asked with a small chuckle.

"Box," I said.

"So you're just sitting in it?" Frank asked.

"Box," I repeated. 

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. We watched him build the bookshelf until there was another knock on the door.

"That must be Joe," Frank said.

He left and Patrick and I gasped as we looked at each other.

"Hide So that way you don't have to go home!" I gasped.

We ran upstairs and crawled under my bed. There was voices downstairs and we very clearly heard Joe and Frank.

"I don't want you to go home," I whimpered.

"I don't wanna go home either," Patrick said.

We cuddled together under the bed when the voices started moving.

"They were just here playing in the box, I think they're somewhere hiding now," Frank said.

We stayed quiet as we listened to them walking around looking for us.

"Gee! You have to come out now!" Frank called.

I whimpered quietly, holding Patrick tighter. They walked into the room and Frank peeked under the bed.

"No!" I shouted.

They pulled us out as Joe carried Patrick downstairs as he cried.

"Come on, Sweetheart, I know you had fun but we're coming back soon," Joe said, kissing the top of his head.

"I don't wanna go home, I wanna stay with Gee," Patrick cried.

"I want Patrick to stay too," I cried.

"Say goodbye, Gee," Frank said.

I sniffled, kissing Patrick's cheek.

"Bye bye, Patrick," I said.

I looked out the window sadly as they drove away.

"Baby, don't get all upset now, you'll get to see him again soon," Frank said, giving me a soft kiss. "Do you wanna go play in your box again?"

I nodded sadly and curled up in a little ball inside my box. Frank covered me with a blanket, giving me Lola and my paci. I sniffled quietly as I sucked on my paci.

"Daddy, I miss Patrick," I whimpered.

"I know you do, Baby," Frank said.

He continued working on his bookshelf while I curled up in my box.

"Daddy, can I keep this box forever and ever?" I asked.

"You know what, I think we can do that," he said. "We'll put a little cushion in there too, we can put it by the couch."

I nodded my head, closing my eyes as I took a little nap in my brand new box.

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