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The next morning, I wake up and roll over to see a text message from Mat. "Good morning beautiful! Can't wait to see you!"

I text him back with "Morning good-lookin' can't wait to see you either. My last class ends at 2. Maybe I can meet you somewhere so it's not as far?"

"Nah, I'll come to your room and maybe we can get food. I don't mind the drive if it's to see you."

I smile at this message and start my day on a positive note.

When my class ends at 2, I hurry back to my dorm and change into something cute. As I'm touching up my hair, I hear a knock at our apartment door. I hear it open and Sophia talking. Mat's here. I leave my room and go to see him. "Hey." I say, when I see him standing in front of me. "Hi." He says, smiling.

I take his hand and we walk back to my room, all the way I can hear the other girls mumbling "oh my god, he's so hot!" When we get to my room, he plops down on my bed and says "So, you hungry?" "Very, let's go!" "You wanna get something and bring it back and watch a movie or something?" He suggests. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan!" I say.

We go down to his car and we drove to pick up some food. "Favorite food, go." Mat asks. "Tacos." I say, no hesitation. "Taco Bell for lunch it is then!" He says. I didn't tell him, but Taco Bell for lunch and a movie on the couch with him sounded perfect to me.

When we got back to the room with our tacos, Mat and I head back to my room and sit down on my bed with the food. I grab my TV remote and click it on. "What do you want to watch? I picked the food; you pick the movie." I say. "How about we watch Friends?" He asks. This man; could he get any better? "Perfect." I say. I grab a blanket and throw it over our legs as Mathew hands me a taco.


Lexi and I started watching Friends and eating tacos. Man, the girl can pack tacos away, that's for sure. But I admire that in her, she's not afraid to eat what she wants and act silly with me. And as many tacos as she ate, you wouldn't be able to tell, her body is amazing. At one point, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.  She snuggled into my side as she finished her food and we watched to show in comfortable silence. After a few hours, we were both tired so I decided to head home since I have practice the next day. We climbed off her bed so I could leave and I say "Hey, do you want to come to the game this weekend? Maybe we get hang out afterwards or something." "Sure, I'd love to!" She says. "Ok, I can get you semi-private seats." I say. "You don't have to, any other seat in the arena will do." She says, laughing. "Well I want you to have a good view." I say. "If that's the case, then right behind the bench would be better." She says. "That's not as good of a view as up higher." I say. She laughs and says "Ok, but you better come get me after the game." "How about you come get me?" I ask. "You mean... like by the locker room?" "Well, outside of it." I say. "Sure." She says, stepping towards me. I have to stoop a little to wrap my arms around her torso and she wraps hers around my neck. "Until Friday, Lex." I say. "See you then." She says. Then I head out of her building and down to my car.

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