Ability Unlocked, New Form?

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(A/N: I have found a little time to sit and write for the first, in what feels like forever. This has been an idea for a little now and I hope you enjoy! I again thank you all for being so lenient with me.)

As Suzuki rested in Itachi's arms, she almost feel asleep if she didn't hear Asuma's voice. Her head perked up, looking over at Asuma as he and Kurenai took notice if the small vulpix in Itachi's arms. Suzuki tilted her head to the side while looking at them, confused at the hostile emotions towards the two men she has been with. 

"What the... Suzuki?!" Asuma's jaw dropped. 

Suzuki's ears went back as she glanced between the four. Not understanding what was going on she hopped out of Itachi's arms and ran to hide behind the closest building. Soon a battle between the four took place, Kakashi soon showing up. When Kakashi even showed that these men were not to be trusted, Suzuki felt a little guilty for not knowing. All of a sudden Kakashi had tensed up, going quiet, while Asume and Kurenai had their eyes closed. 

Worried that the two men had somehow hurt Kakashi had angered Suzuki. Kakashi is very important in her eyes, and anyone who dared to hurt her special people would feel her wrath. With rage beginning to fuel the fire within Suzuki, Guy showed up soon after Kakashi feel to his knees. As Guy attacked Kisame, Suzuki leaped out from her hiding spot. The heat radiating from Suzuki was so hat that when she stood on the water, it sizzled and steam rose from where her paws touched the surface. 

They all watched her curious as to what she was going to do as Guy and Kisame continued their fight. With a feral growl, Suzuki's eyes glowed white before turning red, a blistering white fire launched from her jaws. Swirling toward and around where Itachi was standing. As her eyes went back to normal, Suzuki stood in front of Kakashi to protect him from any threat. Itachi had managed to dodge Suzuki's attack, though part of his cloak was burned on the edges. 

"Kisame, lets go." Itachi ordered.

With a little reluctance Kisame soon follows and the two are gone. Suzuki still on guard and in a protective stance. When she hears Kakashi collapse behind her she quickly turns, nudging his with her nose. Asume and Kurenai quickly help Kakashi up as he was now unconscious, taking his to the hospital, Suzuki not far behind. Suzuki paced the room Kakashi was being kept in. The medics were unable to wake him from what Itachi had done. This through Suzuki in a panic thinking she was gonna lose another important person in her life. Her chakra was flowing wildly in her, curling up in a ball on the floor Suzuki's mind wondered to this times she did this back at the orphanage when she felt overwhelmed by her fears. 

Closing her eyes Suzuki whimpered as she faintly glowed, the ninja and medics in the room now watching with wide eyes. Suzuki's form began changing from that of a vulpix to a small 8 year old girl. Curled in on her self as quiet sobs shook her small frame. Noticing the lack of clothing on the small child, one of the medics quickly wrapped a blanket around the girls shoulders. Thankfully her long hair had kept her form from sight, though now the ninja were left not knowing what to do with the small girl. 

Many were baffled by the peculiar incident took place in front of them. The small creature they have come to know as Suzuki, was now a little girl. After the initial shock, Kurenai walked over to Suzuki and crouched in front of her. 

"Suzuki?" Kurenai spoke softly.

Sniffling, Suzuki slowly looked up at Kurenai, big fat tears rolling down her cheeks. Kurenai gasped softly when the girl looked up at her, confirming that it was indeed Suzuki that sat on the floor as a child. Still crying but curious as to why Kurenai has seemed surprised all of a sudden, Suzuki tilted her head to the side, sniffling. Raising her hand she rubbed the tears from her face, only to suddenly freeze as her eyes widened. Suzuki slowly looked down at her hand, seeing an actual hand instead of a paw. A gasp left the girls lips and she flipped her hand over to look at the palm of her hand before looking up at Kurenai with wide eyes. 

Suzuki then pat her face with her hands, the blanket around her slightly slipping down her form. Kurenai quickly grabbed the blanket pulling it back over the girl. Smiling down at the girl some of the ninja slightly laughed at the girls reaction. Kurenai then got Suzuki's attention again before telling her to keep the blanket wrapped around herself as she went to get some clothes to wear. Suzuki nodded as Kurenai picked Suzuki up and placed her in a chair beside Kakashi's bed. Quickly leaving, Suzuki sniffled quietly as she looked over at Kakashi, she hoped with everything that Kakashi would be fine. Looking over at the others in the room she tilted her head to the side and blinked at them, keeping the blanket tightly wrapped around herself. 

"So, Suzuki, your'e actually a human?" Asuma asked with a raised brow.

Suzuki blinked while looking at Asuma before nodding then shaking her head. This caused the people in the room to sweat-drop at the girls silent behavior. Looking back over at Kakashi a small whimpering sound left her, making those who knew the girl as a vulpix frown sadly at the girl. She was always around Kakashi or the Lord Third, now that Asume thought about it, frowning Asuma noticed how Suzuki watch Kakashi's still form. Could Suzuki be worried the Kakashi won't make it and be gone like their Kage was now? 

(Well!! That was a longer chapter for once! X3 Though I'm still feeling pretty inspired to write now, I may just begin working on another chapter while I'm not busy with work!!)

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