
[Spinel Pov]
Spinel: This is a very empty room.
The Diamonds brought me here. If my memory is right, this is Pink's room. I took Painite's gem out my "pocket" and looked at it.
Spinel: That you'd reform by now.
I looked around the empty room.
Spinel: I need a table.
A table formed in front if me. I stretched my neck into the hole, the pebbles were inside.
Spinel: Thank you.
Pebbles: You're welcome!
I retracted my neck and gently put Painite's gem on the table.
Spinel: Well, guess I should find something to do while-
Then Painite's gem started to glow.
Spinel: Nevermind.
Light started to come out the gem, and that light slowly built a body. And then Painite came out...and fell face first.
Painite: Ow! Again?!
Painite stood up, and dusted himself off. He had a whole new look. His clothing looked more...formal? Is that the word? His skin was a much lighter gray than before. His hair still covered his eye though.
Painite: I'm really surprised I lived that. I mean, I know I'm tough-this isn't Earth.
Spinel: It's Homeworld.
Painite: BAH!
Painite went to pull out his chain but stop once he saw who I was.
Painite: ...Spinel?
I smiled and nodded.
Painite: ...You look different.
Oh yeah. I let my hair down, lightened my skin a bit and got rid of those dumb tear marks.
Spinel: D-do you like it?

Spinel: D-do you like it?

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Painite: ...Wow.
Spinel: Wow...what?
Painite: Wow as in you look......wow.
I giggled a bit.
Painite: You have the cutest lau...did you say this is Homeworld?
Spinel: ...Don't get mad.
Painite: We're on Homeworld?!
Spinel: Aaannnnd...in Pink Diamond's room.
Painite blinked about 20 times.
Painite: ...You know I was banished right?
Spinel: I know but, we had nowhere else to go. And the Diamonds they really wanted me to-
Painite: The Diamonds wanted you? And they gave you she who shall not be named because I don't wanna be put in a bad mood's room?
Spinel: *sigh* Look, I was gonna ask them if you could stay.
Painite: Banish, definition, to send someone away from a country or place as an official punishment. I can't stay here!
Spinel: Maybe the Diamonds won't mind?
Painite: What about the citizens? They weren't exactly my biggest fans.
Spinel: Look, we'll talk to them, together.
Painite: What...what if they kick me out again?
I put his hands in mine.
Spinel: I'll be with you.
I gave him a warm smile.
Painite: ........Curse your adorable smile.

~~~Diamond throne room

Yellow Diamond: What is it Spinel?
Spinel: I came to ask you a favor.
White Diamond: Of course anything for you.
Spinel: Come on in.
Painite walked into the throne room.
Painite: My diamonds.
He covered his mouth his mouth and nervously laughed.
Painite: Just like old times huh?
Spinel: Stop.
Painite: Ok.
Blue Diamond: Is...is that the Painite we banished?
Painite: *gulp* Yes...my Diamond.
White Diamond: What is he doing here?
Spinel: Well, Pinky and I hid him in the garden-
The Diamonds: WHAT?!
Painite: Welp, I'm dead.
White Diamond: Pink went behind our backs and hid you?
Painite: ..........Yes?
The Diamonds looked at each other.
White Diamond: Um...Spinel-
Spinel: My Diamonds please!
I got on my knees.
Spinel: I know Painite's done bad things in the past, but he's changed.
Yellow Diamond: He's attacked innocent civilians.
Spinel: He may still have some mental problems, but he just needs help.
Blue Diamond: He didn't really do his job well.
Spinel: I've seen him work, he's gotten much better, he stopped a building from falling!
White Diamond: Spinel, you do know what he is right?
This made everyone jump.
Spinel: Please I...I love him.
That made the Diamonds gasp.
Spinel: Painite and I, we've always been together. We danced, we kissed, we even fused. In the garden, we always played with each other. I can't just leave him. I love you all, don't get me wrong, but....
I looked at Painite and smiled.
Spinel: I'll pick him any day.
Painite smiled at me.
Painite: I love you.
Spinel: Me too.
The Diamonds sat in silence for a moment, then they whispered to each other. I feel like yelling at the Diamonds was a bad idea. They all nodded at each other, then looked at me.
White Diamond: ....He can stay.
Spinel: Really?
Painite: Oh my stars!
Yellow Diamond: However, if he even causes the smallest of trouble.
Blue Diamond: He will be punished serverly.
Painite: ...Uh....you got it.
Spinel: Wait, what if someone provokes him?
White Diamond: He may defend himself, but to prevent such a scenario from happening, we'll give Painite his own ruby guard.
Painite: T-thank you my Diamonds, you won't regret this!
Yellow Diamond: We better not.
Painite and I did the diamond salute and left.
Spinel: Told you I-
Painite cut me off with a kiss.
Painite: Thank you. For everything. Everything you've done for me. From just making me smile, to stopping me from killing that planet. You've done so much for-
I put my finger on his lips.
Spinel: I care about you, just as much as you care about me. We'll look after each other.
Painite: Yeah, forever.
Spinel: Well, now what do we do?
Painite: I don't know about you, but I'm ready for this chapter to end.
Spinel: Eh, I can wait till the next.
Painite smiled and hugged me. I smiled knowing our life will be better now.

[A/n Pov]
Stupid school, delaying my publish. That's the end for the movie story, everything else will be oringal or from your ideas. Also, quick note, I'm changing Tanzanite to only having 2 arms. And I can't remember EVERYTHING from Steven Universe, so if I get anything major wrong let me know. Ok, I gotta go work on my other story that I just neglected. Kay, lataaaaaaa.

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